
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Ten Recipes That Made the Cut

One of my goals in my 40x40 quest this year was to find ten new healthy recipes to add to my recipe binder. This proved more difficult than I thought because A) pretty much, if it's healthy, and I like it, I already have a recipe for it, and B) there are a lot of not-great, healthy recipes out there. For every recipe I kept, there are probably 10 that I tried that didn't make the cut. I started to think I might not ever make it to ten, but here in the last moments of 2023, I have found them! 

Here they are:

1. Air Fryer Fish Tacos with Cilantro Lime Slaw - Scotty and I really like these (the kids don't), and I have started using the slaw recipe for other meals as well. It's good on hamburgers or pulled pork sandwiches, and I use it on Korean tacos, too. 

2. Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken with Avocado Salsa - everyone in the family likes this chicken, but I'm the only one that likes the avocado salsa.

3 - 5. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins - I make these all the time. I also make the Double Chocolate Banana and the Banana Chocolate Chip sometimes (using honey instead of sugar), but we all like the pumpkin the best.

6. Instant Pot Creamy Tomato Basil Soup - I have a winter's worth of this soup in my freezer. 

7. Garlic Butter Turkey Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles - I have haven't actually tried this with zoodles, but the meatballs are good and probably the most flavorful meatballs I've ever had. I had a small zucchini when I made this (not enough to make zoodles with), so I used spaghetti noodles and threw in some sauteed zucchini.

8. Anti-Inflammatory Chicken Soup - this one surprised me. I really wasn't expecting it to be good. I'm the only one who has eaten it, so I can't speak for my family, but I want them to try it sometime to see what they think.

9. Baked Drumsticks - I'm trying to be more open to dark meat because drumsticks and thighs are so cheap.

10. Grinder Salad - I don't make this exactly how the recipe states. I just use what I have (so I don't use all the meats listed, and I might not have olives or tomatoes). This is another recipe I wasn't sure I would like, but I was surprised. I occasionally make a variation of this salad for lunch (and I sneak in pieces of bread because I'm a rebel).

The only one I have a photo of
(I love how it looks like the salad is sitting directly on the counter)

(Lists of links to recipes bug me, so I'm sorry that's what I'm throwing out there today). 

Now that I've checked this goal my list, I'll continue my quest to find healthy recipes to add to my recipe binder... but without the added pressure of my 40th birthday. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About my Christmas Trees

This year I decided to redo my Christmas tree. I’ve had the same Christmas tree in my living room for 20 years. For about 18 of those years, I’ve had it decorated with pictures of Jesus. Over time, I’ve added and taken away elements like ribbon and sprigs of berries. I repainted the picture frames, too, but for the most part, it’s been the same for those 18 years. 

Jesus tree last year 

In 2020 we finished our basement, so I wanted a new, flocked Christmas tree and decorations for downstairs. I went with blueish tones instead of traditional Christmas colors. I really liked my basement tree, but I started to long for red. Red is my favorite color, so it makes no sense that I didn’t have red on my Christmas tree! 

Basement tree 2020

Last year I found a Christmas tree at the thrift store for $15, so I decided that for 2023, I would update my trees a bit. I wanted to get rid of my Jesus tree (which I bought for $20 from Lowe’s on after-Christmas clearance thankyouverymuch), move the newer flocked tree from the basement to the living room, and put the thrift store tree in the basement. 

I wanted to save some of the components of my Jesus tree before getting rid of it, so I spent a day with it in the backyard removing some ribbon, some berries, and the lights (I guess this is where I should mention that several years ago, I got sick of putting the decorations on my tree, so I glued and wired everything to it and stored it fully assembled in the shed so I never had to decorate it again. This is one of the most genius things I’ve ever done, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do that with my new tree because it’s a bit wider and would be better stored in its bag).

The Jesus tree mid-demise 

I wanted to get new decorations for my living room tree, so I spent a few weeks pinning photos of trees I liked, and I discovered that the ones I was most drawn to were red and white. I always really loved having a Christ-centered tree, and I wanted to maintain some element of Jesus. I looked about for some artwork I might like and didn’t find anything. Then at Deseret Book one day, something gave me the idea of using Christmas hymns. I wanted actual sheet music with possibly an overlay of the hymn’s title. I set about looking for something along those lines that was already made (while also coming up with ideas to create my own, if necessary). I checked Etsy and Pinterest and ended up finding a free download. I had to do some tweaking because I wanted them to be white (they were yellowed to give them a vintage look). I ran a test print of one hymn, found it to be suitable, and ordered all the rest. Then I went to the thrift store for 5x7” frames to paint red.

I love the different textures of the frames I found

I bought a few ornaments from Hobby Lobby and some ribbon from Michael’s. 

I fell in love with these (upper shelf)

The week before Thanksgiving, I set up the basement tree - using some ornaments I already had with a bunch of ribbon I got from the thrift store. Then I let my kids have their way with it after I spent an hour enjoying it.

DI tree in the basement

One fun thing about this tree is that it has 
frosted glitter tips

That got me really excited, so the next day, I set up and decorated the new hymn-themed tree in the living room.

It’s hard to get a decent picture with the 
bay window so here’s another angle

The only thing missing was a tree skirt or tree collar of some sort, but then I started loading presents under it and thought, “Who needs a tree skirt? It’s going to be full of presents anyway!” So I decided not to buy anything for under the tree this year (which ended up being a good choice because holy moly! Expenses add up fast this time of year!)

I worried that the 5x7” frames were too big, but now that the tree has been up for a couple of weeks, I really like it.

Sigh. I just really love red.

And I love Christmas and Jesus and sacred hymns. 

I also love cellophane and ribbon. And wrapping paper. And tissue paper. 

And you know what else I love? Throw pillows! But I hate that they never stay put, and I never really like sitting on a couch with them (are you supposed to sit among them? Move them? I never know! It’s so awkward!) But I love the look of them, and it’s fun to change them up for the seasons. This year I bought pillow covers because I’m sick of storing seasonal pillows - they take up too much space. But pillow covers? That I can do! I just threw them over my fall pillows, and it was very convenient transformation!

This is one other reason I wanted to abandon my blue tree decorations - I wanted my other Christmas decor to coordinate, and that was hard to do with so many red things and a blue tree! I felt like I couldn’t have anything red in my basement. 

I know I might be a little overly passionate about my trees, but I can’t help it! I love decorating for Christmas! 

This year I’m doing a little experiment to see if I can have a calmer holiday season with my kids. I’m trying to have everything ready for Christmas really early so in December I can just be present and focused with my family. I’m about 90% done with everything - even the wrapping. I just always worry that if I get ready for Christmas too soon I’ll get sick of it… too soon. As much as I love Christmas, by the time the big day actually arrives, I’m more than happy to kick it to the curb. So we’ll see how this goes!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


The other day I went to Hot Dog on a Stick for lunch. It was the last thing I needed in life. There was food at home. I was broke. I’m also “trying” to make healthier choices. So Hot Dog on a Stick? Rebellious in every possible way! But sometimes you just need someone to hand you a corn dog through a window so you can go about your day.

We have a locally owned, stand alone Hot Dog on a Stick with a drive thru nearby. I pulled up to the ordering box and placed my order. They make everything fresh to order, so it takes a bit to get your food at the window. When my food was ready, Jilly Bean (as her name tag reads, who I think is the owner based on past conversations with her) told me that I placed my order “so well” that she wanted to give me a free pepper jack on a stick. I was thrilled because I always order the American cheese on a stick and never stray, but for free, I was totally willing to venture to new cheeses.  

From this exchange with Jilly Bean, I learned two things:

1. There are nice people in the world.

2. Being good at ordering fast food is a life skill that can (and should) be rewarded.

I’m adding that to my resume and possibly my tombstone:

Here lies Britt - she was good at ordering fast food.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Ten Things We Did Over Thanksgiving Weekend

1. Went to see the new Trolls movie. My review: it’s exactly what you would expect from the third movie in a cartoon series. We had coupons for free popcorn, and I spent most of the movie in deep thought about things unrelated to trolls and being happy to have my kids occupied for a minute. 

2. Went to the zoo on Thanksgiving morning. Right now you can get zoo tickets on their website for $5 on weekdays. Go see some primates! 

These primates followed me home

3. Made Black Bottom Banana Coconut Cream Pie (a combination of the best pies), cranberry sauce, and Raspberry Pretzel Jello (I use Mel’s crust and Natasha’s cream and jello layers - I agree with Natasha that using heavy cream makes the pretzel layer soggier, therefore, Cool Whip is the better option, but for some reason, Natasha’s pretzel layer never turns out for me).

4. Ate Thanksgiving dinner with Scotty’s dad’s family.

5. Tried the new Marine Worlds expansion for Ark Nova. 

Look at those adorable penguin pieces!! Just look at them! 

6. Had Poker Night.

The winner is pictured here with her little poker companion 

7. Took Zoe, Eva, and the neighbor boy to the Museum of Natural History. 

8. Had Game Night at Chad and Carlie’s.

A not-great hand of Five Crowns

9. Went to church. For sacrament meeting we went to hear our friend Michael speak before leaving on his mission. Then we went to our own ward, and Scotty and I both taught second hour. 

10. Had (second) Thanksgiving dinner at home.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Of Pumpkin Rolls and People

I’ve been trying to write a blog post all week, but I’ve had a lack of time and a lack of ideas. I decided (last minute) to make and sell pumpkin rolls again this year. I wasn’t going to, but the musical at the high school got postponed for two weeks, and I suddenly found myself with several open days. I ended up making 40 pumpkin rolls in two days, and let me just say… I’m exhausted. It’s the good kind of exhausted, though. I’ve sold pumpkin rolls three years in a row, but this is the first time I’ve made that many in such a short amount of time. There will be traces of powdered sugar in every crevice of my kitchen for years to come. 

Tonight (I’m determined to finish this post before midnight*) I got all of the pumpkin rolls distributed, and now I’m lying in my bed feeling desperate for sleep but also wanting to write five blog posts, read for 30 minutes, watch six episodes of a show, and play a round of Wingspan. I should also work on my Relief Society lesson for Sunday. But I’m on the brink of passing out cold any second. 

Tomorrow (Thanksgiving) I plan to wake up around 6:00 and hit the ground running. I need to go to the store for cream cheese. I am NOT a person who normally goes to the store on Thanksgiving. In fact, I shop like it’s the apocalypse the week before as a way of avoiding stores during the Thanksgiving chaos. Then I’m hoping to color my hair (really just apply toner because it’s turning a bit orange) and finish my Thanksgiving assignments (jello, cranberry sauce, and pies). I’d also like to do a full grooming cycle, but we’re going to the zoo, so that begs the question… groom before or after animal and cold weather exposure? 

But what I’m really here to say is that in all this hustle and bustle of the holidays (Wham! They are here!) I have been feeling particularly thankful and lovey dovey about the people in my life. As I prepared pumpkin rolls over the last few days, I couldn’t help but think about all the individuals I was making them for, and I was so tempted to just hand them out for free because everyone deserves my gratitude. It was really, really hard to accept money for my goods because SHE takes and sends me photos of my son during his theatre performances, and I want to thank her for that. And SHE is making my daughter a custom Christmas shirt. And SHE has cancer. And HER dad just died. And SHE buys me Cafe Rio once a month. And SHE has been my children’s primary teacher over and over again. And HIS birthday is this week. And SHE does way more for me than I do for her. And so on and so forth. 

So on this Thanksgiving of 2023, I’m especially thankful for my people. Sometimes I forget how blessed I am in people because I have more of a “people suck” mentality. But you know what? Some of them don’t suck, and I am surrounded by people who are kind, giving, and genuinely good. I’m so grateful to claim them as “mine.”

*I didn’t. I passed out mid-third paragraph.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Happy Weekend (and twelve random facts)

Fact #1: I’m so glad I had all my babies before gender reveal parties became a thing. 

Fact #2: Sometimes I am so ridiculously excited to go grocery shopping that I wonder if something is wrong with me. Other times, it feels like torture.

Fact #3: We have had the most amazing fall! The trees have colored beautifully, and the weather has been delightful. My only complaint is having to do a late morning outfit change to transition from frosty to warm. 

(Wish I had a photo, but I haven’t taken any!!!)

Fact #4: My brain is completely fried from having to listen to my children this week. Yesterday I had the following conversation with my fourteen-year-old:

Daisy (for the tenth time that hour): Mom…

Me: Daisy, I’m trying really hard to finish this task. If it’s important, I’m happy to stop and listen, but if you’re just going to say something silly, I really need you to save it for later.

Daisy: Wanna hear my pterodactyl sounds?

Fact # 5: It’s so hard to be a good listener as a parent because 90% of what the kids talk about is ridiculous and mindless chitchat, but you have to listen to that stuff so they will feel safe telling you the other 10%. 

So I have to sacrifice brain cells and listen to the pterodactyl sounds so my daughter will hopefully come to me when she feels depressed or when she’s worried about something or when she’s struggling with a friend. 

Fact # 6: I also have to watch a whole lotta cartwheels. 

Fact #7: I really hate opening cream cheese. Can someone please validate my feelings?

Fact #8: I caved and put up a Christmas tree today Friday. The one that I was supposed to let my kids decorate (I did let them add all the random family ornaments to it after I enjoyed it for an hour).

Fact #9: I got the tree from the DI for $15 last year. 

Fact #10: I want to take it apart now and redo the ribbon, but I have to do it when my husband isn’t home so he won’t know I crazy. 

Fact # 11: The ribbon came from the DI, too!

Fact #12: Today (Saturday) I caved (again) and put up our second tree. And then everything else… because why not? So it’s officially Christmas at my house!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Holiday Finger Jell-O

Last year for one of our Christmas parties, I was asked to bring finger Jell-O. I just gotta say… Jell-O is pretty freaking cool. I love the colors and the versatility. 

If you want a fun and colorful holiday treat, this double-layered finger Jell-O is super easy to make. I’m not going to give you a recipe because you don’t need one. You just get 2 (6 oz) boxes of a Jell-O flavor of your choice, and follow the directions for Jell-O jigglers. 

After you pour the Jell-O into a dish to set, add some whipping cream (unwhipped) in, and give it a stir. How much? I dunno. Just some (this also works with Cool Whip). As the Jell-O sets in the fridge, it will separate, and you’ll get a creamy layer on top, and a transparent layer on bottom. When it’s ready, dip the dish in some hot water for a few seconds to help the Jell-O loosen before removing it (I usually put some hot tap water on a baking sheet and set the Jell-O dish in it for a bit). Then you can use shape cutters that go with your event or holiday, or you can cut them into squares.

Since I cut mine into fun shapes, I like to make thinner Jell-O so it isn’t too tall for my cutters. Instead of putting all the Jell-O in a 9x13 dish, I put most of it in a 9x13 and then put a small amount in a smaller Pyrex (like an 8x8 or even a bread pan). 

My kids (and I) love to eat the scraps from cutting out the shapes. In fact, Eva just asked the other day when she can have some Jell-O scraps again. 

Soon, little one. Soon.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

How My Oven Made Its Exit

Every time Scotty travels, we have some sort of catastrophe while he’s gone. Luckily they’ve been mostly manageable - like kids throwing up or the van battery dying (neither are ideal, but I can at least figure out how to solve those problems).

When Scotty left for Asia, we joked about what would happen while he was gone. We didn’t want to tempt fate or anything, but realistically, if your spouse is gone for two weeks, something is bound to happen. I’ve been worried for months that one of our cars would break down while he was gone, and that’s partially why we got a new van when we did.

We had just about made it to the one week mark when the catastrophe hit.

I was laying on my bed doing something important on my phone (I’m sure of it) when I heard Daisy and Zoe yelling up to me, “Mom! The glass on the oven broke!”

I was like, “What? Huh? What do you mean?”

And they were like, “The glass!”

I walked downstairs and saw the oven like this:

Frankly, I was stunned. I froze up for a few minutes and just stared at it, like wha?!? 

I could hear the glass continuing to crack, and little bits and pieces kept crumbling and falling on the floor so that, within minutes, the hole in the oven was doubled in size.

I figured I should probably get as much of the glass off the oven door as possible so it would stop crumbling and falling on the floor, so I spent a good chunk of time trying to carefully remove pieces and get them safely disposed of.

Inside the drawer

I vacuumed a lot over the next several days. No matter how much I cleaned up, I kept finding more and more glass. It was messing with my mind because I felt like I had glass particles in between my toes and in my eyeballs and up my nose. I didn’t, fortunately, but it was kind of like seeing a spider and then not being able to stop feeling like there’s something crawling on you. 

I ended up buying a new oven, but it wouldn’t be delivered for a week and a half, so the damaged oven stayed put and continued dropping glass. 

The day after Scotty came home, the new oven arrived, and I paid for them to haul the old one away (there was a trail of glass from the kitchen through the living room and out the front door as the oven went away). 

Scotty got the new oven installed, and I couldn’t wait to try it out. I got a double oven - something I’ve wanted for many years. It was a little more expensive than other options but was something I was planning to buy eventually and was trying to save up for. It’s crappy that I had to buy it during the most expensive time of the year, but let’s just consider it an early 40th birthday present.

Scotty kindly took Zoe and Holland to the park so I could try out the new oven without any little supervisors bossing me around. I wanted to make cookies for the theatre kids (I signed up to provide dinner for them for a late rehearsal on Monday of this week), so once the girls were gone, I got to work. 

Things started going wrong immediately. You may recall that I’m a bit of a sloppy baker , and I usually make some sort of significant mistake when I bake. My first go round with my new oven was just par for the course.

First of all, I started mixing the dough and realized I was out of baking powder (note that baking powder was on my grocery list a few days prior, and somehow I managed to skip it at the store). So I sent Nicky to get me some baking powder. Luckily, I realized I was also out of brown sugar before he came home so I was able to text him to get some brown sugar, too. Phew (wipes brow. Then washes hand… because cookies…)

When Nicky got home I finished mixing the dough, but I lost count while scooping the flour, and I couldn’t figure out if I had done 4 scoops or 5. I do this all the time, so I’m always telling myself I need to measure the flour into a separate bowl and not put it directly in the dough, but I always believe that *this time* I’ll be fine. 

I am never fine. I always get distracted.

I decided to bake a single test cookie to determine the flour status. Turned out, I needed to add more flour. 

When the cookie dough was ready to go with the proper amount of flour, I started scooping. I filled a baking sheet and put it in the top oven. Then I filled two more baking sheets to put in the lower oven. I put the first sheet in without incident, but when I put the second sheet in, I tipped it too far (I think this was because I’m not used to putting things in such a low oven), and some of the dough started rolling out of position. I tried to adjust the pan to keep them from rolling off, and somehow I burned myself. I was grateful my kids weren’t home so I could yell my favorite swear word without censorship.

I wasn’t able to save the cookie dough, and about five balls of dough fell into the bottom of the oven. 

I removed both cookie sheets from the lower oven and pulled out the racks as fast as I could so I could get to those dough balls before the smoke alarm went off. I threw the two hot racks on the kitchen floor, praying they wouldn’t burn it, grabbed some tongs, and picked out the dough balls.

I couldn’t even keep my oven clean for the first two hours of its life in my house!

After a whole lot of chaos, I finally got the oven put back together and baked six pans of chocolate chip cookies - three sheets at a time, which is just a beautiful thing!

But did the fun stop there? On, no, it did not.

I was making spaghetti for dinner, and I wanted breadsticks! So I mixed up some dough, and while it rested in the mixer for ten minutes, I saw the salt on the counter and couldn’t remember scooping any into the dough. Salt is essential in bread making. It’s more than just flavor - it helps the yeast work properly, so you can’t just skip the salt, so I had to figure out what to do. I took a little piece of dough and licked it to see if I could taste any salt. I couldn’t. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but I decided to mix the salt in the already formed dough and see what would happen. 

By some miracle, it worked! The breadsticks turned out… except I burned them. But they were still edible. Just a lot more browned than normal (they started smoking when I opened the oven… or was that the residual cookie dough particles in the bottom? Who knows!)

So I didn’t get off to a good start with my new, beloved appliance. I hope we have better days ahead! But yesterday I burned a grilled cheese sandwich on the stove top, so for now…please send pizza.

(Quick aside for informational purposes: I often double this recipe and get 80-90 cookies depending on how much dough my family eats before it hits the oven. I have no idea what size my cookie scoop is. I made two double batches so I would have about 140 cookies for theatre (plus some for my family to eat)).

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Things the Kids Say: Episode 28

“Can’t I just be constipated in peace?”


(You think it’s bad now? Wait til you have kids, dear!)


“Don’t worry, Mom and Dad will never get divorced because they take showers together.”


(Yes, that is the key).


“You know how he [Ed Sheeran] says ‘barefoot on the grass?’ What if his feet were balloons?”



The Weeknd: Oooo, I’m blinded by the lights.

Daisy: This is The Weeknd, right?

Me: Yes, today is Friday.

Daisy: Mom!!! You’re as bad as Dad.

(No one is as bad as Dad. Well… except my dad).


“Okay, Mom, since I’m hanging out in your room, you can’t watch any shows with murder.”


(She ruins all my fun).


Carol of the Bells: Ring, ring, ring, ring…

Zoe: Is this a doorbell commercial?


Eva: Mom, you’re so lucky you don’t have to go to school!

Zoe: But remember, Eva, she has to cook food and pay taxes!


“Is this song from SIX, the musical? Because this does not sound like six-year-olds to me!”


(SIX is about Henry VIII’s wives turned pop icons).


Me: You and I are ministering partners now.

Daisy: What’s ministering?

Me: It’s just a way of making sure that everyone in our ward is looked after. We have a list of women that we can visit and help if they need us.

Daisy: Aren’t there people who get paid to do that? Like Shirley?

Me: That’s home health, honey. That’s something different.

Daisy: Is it, though?


Eva: I need to think of a goal.

Me: Maybe you can read ten books this week, or eat a vegetable every day, or learn about something you’re interested in!

Eva: No thanks. I think I’ll just put duct tape on my feet and try to walk up the wall.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

While You Were Away

Scotty recently returned from a business trip to Asia. Being on the other side of the world didn’t give us much time to talk while he was gone (my days were his nights and my todays were his tomorrows), so I kept a little journal of sorts (i.e. blog post in my draft folder) where I wrote to him about what happened while he was gone. 

Day 1: Saturday 

I woke up at 5:30 to take you to the airport. Chick-fil-A doesn’t start serving breakfast until 6:30, but it’s fine. It’s not like I hoped for a chicken biscuit (i.e. drug biscuit) before 6:00… ahem… 

The kids and I went to your family’s Halloween party - except for Nicky who was having his first go at the ACT. Then we went to our ward chili cook off.

I tried to stay up and wait for our teenagers to get home from a region dance, but that 5:30 am airport drop off sans drug biscuit kicked in, and I passed out while watching Lessons in Chemistry. I set my alarm clock on my phone for every half hour so I could wake up and track the kids on my phone until they came home at almost midnight. They had to do a late-night McDonald’s run, of course.

Day 2: Sunday

I took the kids to church, and you texted me a few minutes into sacrament meeting to let me know you had finally arrived in Cambodia. After church we FaceTimed, and the kids were running around in the background and bringing grasshoppers in the house - reminding me why I never talk on the phone while they are home.

I let them play the Nintendo, which is normally something I make them take a break from on Sunday. They fought like vultures over a rabbit carcass. Then I made them all get in the van, and we went park hopping. We stopped at five parks. There was more fighting. 

In the evening, we went to your mom’s house to have breakfast burritos for dinner. Zoe and Eva actually got along while we were there, so that was nothing short of a miracle. We came home at 6:30, and I let them play Nintendo again, and they fought some more. At some point everyone ended up asleep, but I don’t remember how it happened. 

Day 3: Monday

I bailed on my morning walk with Julie and KoriAnn because I was coughing a ton. When I got up this morning, I was really fatigued. I decided to give myself a resting day. After I got everyone to school, you FaceTimed me for a bit. We are thirteen hours apart, so it was night there. We watched the crazy traffic at the intersection below your hotel window. 

You visited a garment manufacturer and a shoe manufacturer today. You ate some really creepy looking sea creatures and had a 90 minute massage where you had to wear very tiny underwear, and a Cambodian woman climbed on your back. Eek. 

Meanwhile, back in the USofA, I got swindled by Chick-fil-A (charged for a meal that was supposed to be free due to a glitch in the app) and took an hour long nap. I made chili mac for dinner and then spent a couple of hours out in the garage cutting out styrofoam coral reef. I wore sandals and ate ice cream out there - kind of oblivious to the 30-degree weather until I tried to walk and discovered that my feet didn’t work. A few hours later, they still didn’t feel right. Oops.

I made the mistake of googling the effects of inhaling melted styrofoam, and it turns out, I am going to die. 

Day 4: Halloween

Yesterday you left Cambodia and went to Vietnam. On Sunday I told your family that I hoped you would have to use one of those hole-in-the-floor toilets my Cambodian friend Mary used to show me photos of in high school. I got my wish, except you only had to pee. I secretly hope you have to poop in one before you come home, but I know you’d have to be pretty desperate. 

Today was exhausting. I finished painting a bunch of props for the musical at the high school and delivered them to the theatre teacher. 

I made some ham and potato soup and went to Timber’s for dinner. 

Then we met up with our neighbors and went trick or treating. I’ve never seen so many Spidermans (Spidermen?) in my life! I thought this was the year of Barbie, but Spiderman ruleth.

The house is a disaster, but I have another busy day tomorrow, so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to attend to that. Also, the girls are incessantly asking for pets, and they’re driving me nuts. 

Eva’s teacher emailed me today and said Eva kicked a kid in the crotch at school. So there’s that. 

Day 5: Wednesday

This morning I woke up to a photo of the eggs you were offered in Vietnam. OMG! (Oh my gag!)

Our house has been overtaken with donuts. Your mom showed up with donuts on Halloween. Then the neighbors brought us a dozen donuts. Then, when we trick or treated at your mom’s house, your mom gave each of the kids another donut. Guess what Zoe wants to take to school for her birthday tomorrow? Donuts! 

Today was pretty uneventful. I ran a lot of meaningless errands as to avoid housework. I started taking down all the Halloween decorations, but didn’t have the umph to finish.

Day 6: Zoe’s Birthday

We have another 11-year-old in the house!

Zoe woke up dark & early and made me sing Happy Birthday to her. Then she insisted on playing the Switch before school because it’s her birthday. She got dressed up in her homemade birthday sash, and then we went and picked up her donuts and took them to the school.

I am so sick of donuts.

I spent a few hours picking apart our Christmas tree in the back yard today. I clipped most of the decorations off and took off the lights. I’m getting rid of the tree after 20 years.

Daisy had a dance performance this afternoon, and she debuted her own choreography, which she hasn’t let us see because she wanted us to be surprised. I was so proud of her that I cried through the whole thing. I took a video, but she won’t let me show you. She wants you to wait and see it on stage with costumes.

We went out for Chinese food for Zoe’s birthday. Zoe chugged two glasses of water before her dinner came out, and then she was too full of liquid to eat. 

I bought Zoe and Eva new coats today, and by the fact that they wore them the rest of the night, I’m guessing they like them. 

Day 7: Friday

When we bought a new van a few weeks ago, I knew an appliance would go out within the month. I didn’t expect it to go like this:

Day 8: Saturday

You FaceTimed me from the Taipei Taiwan temple grounds today. You were headed to church in an English speaking ward. 

We had a bit of a lazy day. I let the girls play Roblox for way too long, but I also made them help me clean. I got the last of the Halloween decorations put away, but they are sitting in two giant bins stacked in the middle of the living room waiting for a big, strong man to move them for me (I mean, I could do it, but why?) I vacuumed up tons and tons of glass from the oven. I knocked most of it out, but little bits just keep falling, so I just keep vacuuming. I ordered a new oven, but it won’t be here until next Saturday. 

I dyed my hair a little lighter and covered my roots. I’ll be gray again by the time you get home.

Today is Michelle’s 40th birthday. We celebrated with a Turkey dinner at her house. I made stuffing in our broken oven.

Day 9: Sunday

Daylight Saving Time ended today. I remembered last night, but I forgot this morning, so I got up when I thought it was 8:00 and started getting ready for church. I was about to wake up the kids when I checked my watch and saw that it was 7:22. I was almost one of those people who show up an hour early to church! 

I was set apart for my new calling, and then I hit choir practice and squeaked my way through the songs (my voice is strained from the stupid cough I’ve had for three weeks). 

I tried to be a good mom today. I played games with the kids, dealt patiently with their fighting, and walked with Eva up to your mom’s house. 

Day 10: Monday

From this photo you sent from Taiwan, I can tell you are truly suffering!

Today was long. I’m writing this at 6:30 pm, but it feels like 9:30. We still have two hours until Daisy’s dance class… which I have to attend because it’s “parent watch day.” It was dark by 5:30, so I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t be leaving the house.

I did lots of laundry today, did makeup at the high school for a run through of the musical, then came home and did more laundry. 

The Tooth Fairy is coming for Eva tonight! She pulled out a tooth during dinner.

Day 11: Tuesday

This morning I made a legit omelette. Not an omelette turned scramble. 

I have conquered the mighty omelette!

I also cleaned Zoe and Eva’s room, so today pretty much deserves trophies all around. 

Day 12: Wednesday

Took Daisy to school. Took Zoe to Lego League. Took Eva to school. Worked on The Little Mermaid Set at the high school for six hours. Picked up Daisy from school. Picked up Zoe from school. Made dinner. Picked up Eva from Tennis & Tutoring. Took Eva to my mom’s house. Put Zoe in the bath. Took Daisy to Young Women. Picked up Eva from my mom’s house. Put Eva in the bath. Tucked everyone in bed.

Thank you and goodnight.

Day 13: Thursday 

McDonald’s raised their drink prices overnight. So long, $1 large Cokes. Yesterday my Coke cost $1.08 with tax. Today it was $1.40. 

I’m quitting again on Monday. Or maybe for Chinese New Year of 2024. Time will tell.

Our fence got tagged (again) last night as well as all the usual neighbors’ fences. I had to wait for the frost to melt off so I could go out and paint it. 

The weather has been amazing while you’ve been gone. This has been a perfect fall! But we had quite a bit of frost this morning. 

Zoe had her Hope of America program at the school tonight. That girl loves to perform! 

Boys have stopped by three times by dark of night to talk to Daisy while you’ve been gone. They are noisy. 

Tonight mom told me I look like I have a fever. I love when she tries to convince me that I’m sick. 

As of tonight, you are en route to home. Manila to Tokyo to LA to Salt Lake. See you in 24 hours.

Day 13: Friday

I did more set work at the high school today. I had big dreams of welcoming you home to a clean(ish) house with a home-cooked meal, but instead you came home to a normal (for us) messy house and Costco pizza.

The good news is… you made it back safe and sound.

The bad news is… you never had to poop in one of those Cambodian floor holes.

Friday, November 10, 2023

The Path to Sandwich

“God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.”

-Rascal Flatts

Britt enters room carrying two laundry baskets. 

Britt dumps laundry on bed.

Britt begins to fold. 

Britt needs an empty laundry basket.

Britt goes in Zoe and Eva’s room.

Britt sees Halloween candy.

Britt takes Snickers.

Wrapper needs garbage can.

Britt enters bathroom.

Britt throws away wrapper. 

Britt sees toothpaste smeared on counter.

Cleaning supplies under sink are missing.

Britt looks in living room closet.

Britt finds fall candle in closet.

Britt lights candle in kitchen.

Kitchen plants are wilting.

Britt sees pill container on window sill.

Britt needs water.

Mug is upstairs.

Britt goes to get mug.

Britt sees laundry. 

Britt starts to fold laundry.

Britt turns on show.

Britt sees ad for something with Kevin Hart.

Britt remembers photo of Kevin Hart with Shaq.

Britt googles how tall is Kevin’s Hart?

Kevin Hart is 5’2”.

Britt looks at list of “short” celebrities.

Tom Cruise is same height as Britt.

Britt needs to text Carlie about Tom Cruise.

Britt opens messages.

Britt has text from friend. 

Friend sent memes.

Britt must return memes.

Britt finds memes in camera roll.

Memes are about food.

Britt is hungry. 

Does Britt need Moochies?

Yes! Britt has coupon. 

Finally! A task Britt can complete!

Britt eats sandwich start to finish.

Britt is a champion!

Eva at Moochies long ago

Thursday, November 9, 2023

73 Vogue Questions

I don’t know what makes these questions “vogue,” but let’s have a go at it! I’m having a lazy day (see #49), so it’s only appropriate that I curl up in a blanket on the couch and write about myself. 

1. What’s your favorite time of day?

I enjoy mornings most of the time, but really, I just love any time of day when I have just finished something productive, and I get to feel totally awesome for a bit.

2. What’s your biggest weakness?


I only want true stuff, though. 

3. How do you relax?

Read, play Wingspan on my phone, or watch a show.

4. What is most important to you?


5. Do you believe in God?


6. What inspires you?

This question is so broad - I don’t really know how to answer it. I find inspiration when I take time to study, whether it’s gospel study or secular learning, and through giving my mind some quiet time. 

Also… let’s be honest… Pinterest and thrift shopping. 

7. What three things can you not live without?

Family, food, phone.

8. How do you describe yourself in three words?

Resourceful, creative, and hungry.

9. What do you notice when you first meet someone?

Reciprocity in conversation. 

10. What are your friends like?

They are the greatest. They are good people who are trying their best, and they are a lot of fun. 

11. What is a song you love right now?

I’ll go with the one currently stuck in my head - “I Had a Vision” from Bright Star.

12. What is your favorite book?

13. What are you scared of? 

Not being able to breathe.

14. How many kids do you want?

Four sounds good.

15. What’s your favorite flower?

Poppies & sunflowers. So weeds, basically.

16. Tea or coffee?

Cola, hot chocolate, and orange juice.

17. If you could play any instrument what would it be?

Piano would be my first and most practical choice. But if I can dream big, I’m also going to need to play the fiddle and the harmonica. Like, hardcore. 

18. What’s your favorite holiday?


19. What places do you want to visit?

I’m weird, and I don’t have any dream destinations. Earth is cool. I’ll just try to enjoy anywhere I get to go. 

20. What are your must-have beauty products?

Um… soap?

21. Favorite thing about yourself?

I love to learn, and I’m usually pretty observant. 

22. What was the name of your first pet?


23. What are your favorite apps on your phone?

The ones that order food.

24. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Here but almost 50. 

25. Who is your favorite director?

Am I supposed to have an opinion on this?

How about my friend, Krystle? She’s directing Sherlock the Musical.

26. Which three famous people would you invite for tea?

Terry, Bindi, and Robert Irwin.

27. Who are your favorite designers?


28. What is your favorite scent?

One of my favorites is honeysuckle. 

29. Which person would you ask 73 questions to?

Almost anyone. I like asking people questions. 

There are just a few people I wouldn’t want to ask because they never stop talking anyway, and I don’t need to give them more reasons to yak. 

30. What is your favorite thing to eat?

A runny egg (laid by our chickens) and toast. 

31. What was your favorite movie as a kid?

Robin Hood, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Man of the House, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Jurassic Park. 

32. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?

I don’t have such a movie in my life. 

33. What is your favorite thing to wear?

Stretchy pants and a sweatshirt.

34. What is your dream job?

Okay, are you ready for this? My dream job would be a therapist who does hair (think of it - getting your hair done by a licensed therapist! I feel like this is something the world needs). But also a choreographer, author, and set designer. The set designing dream is new, and I’m still exploring it. But I have loved helping with the sets at the high school these past three years. 

35. What movie can you watch over and over?

None. I get sick of them. Even ones I love. I like to take 5-10 year breaks in between. This makes my husband sad because he’s always like “Let’s watch [insert name of movie]!” and I’m like, “No! We just watched that!” (…three years ago). So he watches all the Christmas movies with the kids while I do puzzles.

36. What’s the coolest thing in the world?

Nature. That covers the very coolest things. 

37. What are your favorite three albums?


38. Sweet or savory?

Both, please!

39. Cats or dogs?


I know. But it’s true.

40. Who is your favorite actress? 

Maybe Emma Thompson. 

41. What concert do you want to go to?

I would love to see Derek Hough’s show. Does that count as a concert? Probably not. But that’s my answer. 

42. What TV show are you currently watching?

Lessons in Chemistry, Offspring, One Tree Hill, and Sullivan’s Crossing. 

43. What’s your biggest fear? 

Personality-altering TBIs. 

44. Who is your favorite female singer?

Questions like this stress me out because I feel like it’s a huge commitment to crown a person as a “favorite” anything. What if I change my mind? What if that person does something totally dirt-baggy someday? 

Also, I don’t really have one.

45. Who is your favorite male singer?

Ugh! No!

46. Do you like cooking and baking?

Yes!! Very much so!

47. What song lyrics are stuck in your head right now?

“I always have, always will, always, always, always will.” 

48. What’s the last text you sent?

49. Describe your lazy days:

Oh, you mean today? 

I wear comfy clothes, erase my to do list, and decide that anything I accomplish is “extra credit.” 

50. What does your name mean?

It doesn’t really “mean” anything. It’s derived from the French region of Bretagne. 

Mostly it’s the name of the bratty girls in teen dramas. There is never a nice girl on TV named Brittany. It’s always the mean girls who are named Brittany. 

I guess it’s an appropriate name for me because I am a brat. 

51. What hobbies will you never give up?

Never say never. 

But probably reading and writing.

52. What makes you mad?

Oh, boy. That’s a can of worms. I’m only going to choose two:

1. When people block the aisle of the grocery store

2. When people run red lights

53. Which song would you like to hear to be happy?

“Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen.

54. What’s your favorite word in English?

It’s a swear word, so I’m not going to say it.

55. What are the top three things on your bucket list?

I’ve been told that my bucket list isn’t very impressive. 

1. Pay off our house

2. Write a book

3. Take my kids on a cruise

56. What are the best shoes you’ve ever owned?


57. When do you get creative?

Whenever I feel like it. 

58. Any adventurous thing you want to do?


The only adventurous thing I do is go to Walmart without a bra.

59. Optimistic or pessimistic?


But probably a little more pessimistic.

60. What is something from your childhood that you still have?

A doll cradle.

61. What’s something funny you’ve seen online today?

62. What do you wish your phone could do?

Diagnose sickness and mental illness with a simple scan.

It would go like this;

“BEEP! [In robot voice] Scan shows that you have depression and the hantavirus.”

63. Diamonds or pearls?

Diamonds. But ultimately, I don’t care.

64. What’s something you can’t do?

Spell aloud very well. Oh, how I hate when my kids ask me how to spell something. I have to write it.

65. What do you usually eat for breakfast? 

Eggs and toast. 

66. What’s your favorite color?


67. What’s a useless fact you know?

Donny Osmond’s favorite Christmas song is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” by Andy Williams. 

68. What’s your advice for people?

Wait before you react. Give things time to settle. Sleep on it. 

69. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Ben and Jerry’s chunky monkey and Dreyer’s rocky road. My rule with rocky road is it needs to have actual marshmallows and NOT marshmallow cream. 

70. Do you prefer dark or milk chocolate?

I like both, but I like milk a little better.

71. What is your favorite fruit?

Fresh peaches and pineapple.

72. Vintage or new?


73. Who is your favorite superhero? 

It used to be Wolverine, but I’m mad at Hugh Jackman right now, so I’m kind of lost superhero-wise.