
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Good Idea / Bad Idea

Since I'm not spending my days snuggling a newborn just yet, I've been keeping myself busy by watching the BBC series Robin Hood.
Robin Hood 

I've always been a little bit of a Robin Hood fanatic. My dad will tell you how annoying it was to rewind Disney's Robin Hood over and over again for me as a child.

Can you blame me for my obsession? The guy is hot! Even if he is a cartoon fox.

Robin Hood

Sis put it best when she said, "Oh he's so handsome... just like his reward posters!"


I must also shamefully admit that I can quote the entirely of Robin Hood Men in Tights.

Robin hood 

"Let's get out of this ladies clothing and get into our tights!"

So with all of the Robin Hood watching I've done this week, I got the itch to do something I haven't done in a very long time... shoot my bow!


Because I just happen to have my very own bow.

Because that's what you do when you grow up loving Robin Hood.

The thing is, I haven't shot my bow since I was pregnant with Nicky. It's not that I haven't wanted to, it's just that I have kids with me everywhere I go, and shooting a bow with two little kids around never sounds ideal.

Now that they're five and three, though, Scotty and I decided it was time to try it out and see if shooting bows with our kids is a possibility. This brought on a challenge I like to refer to as "Good Idea/Bad Idea," wherein we try something new to determine whether it's a good idea or bad idea.

With a little luck, we were able to round up suitable bows for our children.

Nicky is now the proud owner of this beauty, previously occupied by my little brother:


And Daisy has taken over this awesome piece of craftsmanship:


Which was mine when I was little and was made for me by MY DAD!

(Yes, the same one who hated rewinding Robin Hood for me!)

We took our kids (and their little bows, too!) to Scotty's mom's house to shoot in her backyard. One of my favorite things to shoot is a pumpkin, so we had ourselves a little gourd massacre.


Surprisingly, we deemed this activity a "Good Idea!"

Our kids loved it, and Daisy?



Cutest little archer I've ever seen in my life. How can you not love that face?


  1. 1. We watched Disney's "Robin Hood" every. single. Saturday night for YEARS while my Mom put my and my sister's hair in pink spongy curlers. It was our only VHS movie for ages and ages. Until it was supplemented with "The Sound of Music."

    2. You have born a tiny Katniss. And you are also a Momma Katniss. Basically, you're a total bad-a.


  2. That is an awesome picture of you! All tough!

    And the pictures of the kids is so cute! Maybe you'll have a future Olympian?

  3. I remember having a bow just like Daisy's. Your Dad must of made sum for us too. Happy Shooting!
