
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

22 Questions on the 22nd

1. What am I most proud of?

I hope this doesn’t sound boastful, but I’m pretty proud of the adult I have become. I feel like I could have been much worse, and I have reasons to be worse, but I’m darn alright. If my kids all turned out like me, it would be okay. Of course, I hope they turn out better than me, but if they end up about the same as me, that’ll be alright. 

2. I am grateful for…

My body and for all of the parts that are in working order.

3. What would I tell my future self?

Nothing. My future self should be smarter than my current self and should be telling me stuff. 

4. If I could do anything, what would it be?

I would design an app that scans the body and tells you if the medications, vitamins, and/or supplements you’re using are actually benefiting you. Are the five gigantic magnesium pills I swallow every evening (at the direction of my doctor who recommended 400-600 mg a day to help with sleep and blood pressure) actually doing anything? How about my biotin gummies? My prescriptions? I can never tell.

5. What are 7 things that make me happy?

1. Seeing my kids enjoy time together

2. Any time someone acts on a recommendation from me and likes it (books, tv shows, etc). 

3. Roller coasters

4. Moments of sincere friendship - or genuine love from another human being. Just feeling like another person likes me and enjoys my company. 

5. Free food

6. Good hair days

7. Low crowds in places that are notoriously crowded (ranging from Walmart to Disneyland). 

6. What would my perfect day look like?

This question is in almost every questionnaire I see, and I never answer it.

7. What are my strengths?

I’m observant, I can remember a lot of things about people, I’m good with names, I’m a good learner (when I’m interested in something), I can be very organized (I’m still scatterbrained and messy, but I have a knack for organization in certain aspects), and I am punctual (I often say my headstone will read “Here lies Britt who died right on time!”)

8. What are my weaknesses?

I get annoyed easily, my face and voice inflections are often interpreted as “stuck up” or mean, I can’t handle criticism in any shape or form (yet I am very critical), and I am very timid.

9. What am I afraid of?

Losing my mind. Or anyone close to me losing theirs. Memory loss, hallucinations, traumatic brain injuries… anything that alters reality or changes the personality. 


Choking on a carrot while driving. Therefore, I try not to drive and eat carrots.

10. Where do I want to be in five years?

Pretty much the same as now except maybe a little wiser and a little healthier with no house or car payments. 

11. What do I need more of in my life?

Exercise, girls’ nights, vacations, water, and vegetables.

Recent girls’ night where I photoshopped in Laurel, and you can’t even tell!

12. What do I need less of?

The three S’s: sodium, social media, and soda. 

13. How am I feeling right now?

Full. I just ate dinner. 

14. What do I love about myself?

My eyeballs are a good color.

15. What drains my energy?

When everyone in my family is asking me questions. Standing in lines. Small talk and boring conversation. 

16. Who or what inspires me the most?

I have a lot of respect for alcoholics (and other addicts) who are able to get sober or clean. Even though I don’t have those exact problems, I have a lot of things I struggle to overcome, and I know what it’s like to want to give up something that’s not good for you and to keep turning back to it over and over again. Michael J. Fox is one example that comes to mind. If you’re not familiar with his experience, he relied heavily on alcohol to hide his tremors and disassociate from his disease when he was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s. His drinking was wrecking his marriage and affecting his career, and he realized that the alcoholism was a bigger problem than his Parkinson’s, so he got sober and has stayed so for over thirty years. He and his wife have stayed married for 36 years! 

My recommended Michael J. Fox curriculum:

(Now I need to resist having a Michael J. Fox geek out session right here in the middle of this post. Follow up post later). 

17. What do I feel strongly about? 

So many things. How do I pick just one? Right now everything I feel passionate about seems too controversial to write about, so I’m going to go with this…

I want the McDonald’s app to have a cheeseburger Happy Meal option. Currently, you have to order a hamburger Happy Meal and manually add cheese to it. 

18. How do I take care of myself?

Um, I don’t. The only thing I can think of is that sometimes I shower, and I probably don’t do that enough.

19. What are my three biggest goals?

I don’t have big goals. I’m tired. I am working on a small goal for 2025, though, but I’m not going to reveal it until the end of the year. You’ll have to wait!

20. My top 5 favorite quotes:

I don’t have a top five, but here are five quotes I really like:

“Treat everyone as if they like you.” From Miranda Hart’s book I Haven’t Been Entirely Honest With You. I only finished this book a few days ago, but this is something  that stood out to me. How often do we worry or assume that people don’t like us? What if we assumed they did? I’m still only beginning to explore this idea.

“Do your best to love it all anyway.” This is from a social media post by Brooke Romney. I have a tendency to feel highly annoyed most of the time, and it interferes with my ability to enjoy experiences, particularly around the holidays. She posted this the week leading up to Christmas, and it helped me so much. I just kept reminding myself to “love it all anyway,” and I was able to have a much better Christmas for it.

When the frailties and imperfections of mortality are left behind, in the glorified state of the hereafter… then shall woman be recompensed in rich measure for all the injustice that womanhood has endured in mortality.” -James E. Talmage 

“People grow when they are loved well. If you want to help others heal, love them without an agenda. ” -Mike McHargue

“Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.” -Lori Deschene

21. Ten words that describe me:

Irritable, observant, introverted, hungry, punctual, reliable, impatient, curious, skeptical, and judgmental.

22. If I found $100 unexpectedly, what am I most likely to to spend it on?


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