
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happy Fall, Y’all!

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #20:

Top Ten

(Reasons I love fall)

10. The scents 

Bring on the pumpkin, cinnamon, and apple.

9. School 

We’re fully in the school year now, and this momma loves it.

8. The decor

Fall is my favorite decorating season. You know I love me some cornstalks and sunflowers

7. Soup

I get sick of soup quickly, but there’s a brief window when fall begins where I’m super ecstatic about the soups. Shoot. Now I’m kind of wishing I’d made a top ten list of soups. Hmmm… 

6. Thanksgiving 

Thanksgiving food is my favorite! 

5. Cooler weather

I do not like the heat of summer at all, so I always feel so refreshed when the weather finally cools down. 

4. Less daylight

I know I’m in the minority here, but I like less daylight. I would love 7:00 am - 9:00 pm daylight, and that happens for a minute in fall. 

3. Bigger blankets

When the weather cools down, I can bring out the big fluffies. 

2. Fall leaves

You can’t beat the color-changing leaves. Especially in the mountains. 

1. Not having to wear summer clothes anymore

The best part of fall, for me, I shedding my summer wardrobe. I hate summer clothes - I’m not even going to sugar coat it. Give me long pants and hoodies. To heck with shorts, t-shirts, and swimming suits.

(With our current weather report, I’ll still be wearing summer clothes for a while). 

1 comment:

  1. It is so hot here... Fall feels never coming... I'm so over knee length shorts
