
Friday, August 2, 2024

Ramblings from the Drive-In

I’m blogging from a drive-in movie. This could possibly be the last drive-in movie experience of my life since our local venue is closing after this summer. We’ve been wanting to bring our kids one last time, so this afternoon we decided tonight was the night! A double feature of Despicable Me 4 and Twisters. We’re sticking it out for Twisters even though we’ve seen it already, and we’re too tired and old for this (Despicable Me 4 started at 9:15, and I slept through most of it). 

I wish I would have brought food food. I have candy, snacks, and drinks, but I could really go for a cold sub or a pizza right now. Heck, I might even eat a vegetable. My Dot’s honey mustard pretzels and Hot Tamales will have to suffice. 

Nicky and Daisy each brought a friend. Nicky: a female, non-love interest who has spent most of the time reading him texts from other boys. Daisy: her “special friend” of five months whose relationship consists of ignoring each other in public, and yet, somehow they’ve managed to talk non-stop through both movies so far. What will happen with these two when school starts? Will they ever talk at school? Methinks not. At least it’s the most chaste relationship possible. There is no funny business whatsoever. 

(I confess that’s a horribly written paragraph).

Since I don’t have anything in mind to write, I’m going with another writing prompt from my Pinterest board. 

Guilty pleasure: eating out.

Random insecurities no one notices: I’m self-conscious about my snaggle tooth. Do I get braces now that I’m 40?

Where I see myself in one year: Pretty much the same as now except Nicky will have graduated high school and could be on a mission or heading away to college, and I might be a mess.

A compliment I always get: “You’re so organized.” Which is funny because I am really organized, but I’m also super messy, so these traits kind of tug and pull at each other. 

How I’d spend a free day: It depends. Do I have money? If I have money, I’m flying to Disneyland and sponsoring a few friends. If I don’t have money, I’m probably going to take a nap, bake something, watch a show, clean out my storage room, and go to a thrift store. 

What gives me the ick? Right now I’m major PMS-ing, so everything gives me the ick. Don’t look at me. Don’t talk to me. Don’t touch me. Don’t breathe. And for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT sneeze, burp, or hiccup, or I will lose it.

First feature I notice about someone: how they make me feel. 

Unpopular opinion: I don’t like summer, and I’m not charmed by Olympic athletes. Or any athletes, for that matter. I actually think Olympians have really sad lives. 

Last concert I went to: Mat and Savanna Shaw’s Christmas concert in 2022. 

Last time I cried: Tuesday afternoon.

What song reminds me of someone: “In the End” by Linkin Park reminds me of my friend Brian who passed away shortly after high school. One night, during a football game, Brian made me go out in the parking lot to his car so he could listen to this song. And that’s all he did with me in his car. Just listened to this song. Now that I think of it, I was alone with Brian in cars a lot, but it was always innocent. 

Favorite candle scent: fall and Christmas scents.

Who I feel the most “me” around: Scotty, Lynsie, Chad and Carlie, and Shannon.

Last person I texted: Laurel.

Energy drinks? No.

Ghost hunting? No.

Nail biter? Yes.

Any phobias? Trypophobia and claustrophobia.

What I wish I spent more time doing five years ago: Exercising.

A famous person I’ve been compared to: the girl on Jurassic Park (I looked just like her as a kid, and I always hated it when people said so). 

Weird things I do when I’m alone: rehearse conversations or give speeches out loud, dance, and stretch my nostrils.

How I’d spend $10,000: pour concrete on the side of my house. Boring, right? 

Something I do without realizing: I have a couple of stims - two different finger movements and two noises I make.

Longest relationship: Scotty - 25 years with dating & marriage combined.

First kiss: my friend’s cousin, Todd, in his grandma’s basement when I was 12. I refer to him as First Todd because I dated a Second Todd in high school. That’s a lot of Todds for one gal. 

Me with Second Todd at Winter Ball
(Note my shoe choice)

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