
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Back to School

Yesterday was the kids’ first day of school. Nicky’s a senior, and I can’t believe how fast this day came. I feel like I just sent him off to kindergarten. 

High school has been especially speedy. Depending on what he chooses, he could have a mission call in a few months. CRAZY!!!

I’m really excited that Nicky and Daisy get to have a year in high school together. When I first had these two, ninth grade was still in junior high, so I thought they would never go to junior high or high school together due to their three year age gap, but then they moved ninth grade to high school! So Daisy is in high school and gets to have one year with Nicky. I think Nicky has mixed feelings about that because having a little sister at school means he has to carpool with her and suddenly doesn’t have all the freedoms he previously enjoyed. Too bad, Buddy! 

Daisy has had a lot of anxiety about going back to school. It’s been rough. She asked several times if she could do online school, and I gave a her a big, fat NO for that one. The first day was a little rough. I ended up transferring her out of an AP class because she was having a bit of a breakdown over it. Today was much better on a social level, but she had a stomach ache, so you win some/you lose some.

Zoe and Eva are at the elementary school. I’m happy to only have to navigate two schools this year, but next year, we’ll be back to three.

Eva is doing just fine. Zoe is struggling. 

It’s incredible to witness the variety of maturity levels in 6th graders. Zoe is very much still a child in every way, but there are girls her age who think they are 17 years old. 

As for this mama? She is very happy to have everyone back in school. The last two days have felt a little off kilter, but we’re going to be just fine.

Here’s a little comparison from Nicky’s first day of kindergarten to his first day of senior year. I laughed when I realized he’s wearing the same kind of shorts.


1 comment:

  1. Yes! Love the pics. I have a 6th grader who also is very much a child... A boy child who still picks his nose and eats it... He's going to be eaten alive in middle school 😭
