
Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Test

Through my schooling years, I always enjoyed taking a well-written test. The key term there is WELL-WRITTEN… as in the instructions were clear, my comprehension was being properly assessed, and the content matched the curriculum. 

My favorite tests of all time (yes, I have favorites!) were my AP Psychology tests. They were gold, and I loved taking them. I would study my butt off for those tests, and it always paid off because I got the high score in my class every single time. That totally fed my teenage ego because I came into the class half-way through the year, and I was scared to death about being behind, and then I got the high score on my very first test and (obviously) had to maintain that standard for the rest of the school year with much praise from my teacher.

There’s something that appeals to me about the test - about finding out how I did. Sometimes I take a test and it’s exactly what I planned for (which is the BEST feeling!) Other times it’s not what I planned for at all (and that’s infuriating if I put in the work. If I didn’t put in the work, I’m willing to own that I didn’t do my part). 

Pretty soon here I’ll be putting something new to the test. I’ve mentioned that I am in charge of the food for stake girls camp this year (a four-day church camp for girls 12-18). I’ve spent the last four(ish) months comparing costs, shopping, baking, and putting my math skills to work. My basement has been overtaken by non-perishables, my freezer has been fully loaded since May, and my living room smells like potatoes. 

This will go away someday

Since I have a little bit of a crazy streak, I wanted to make a few homemade things to enjoy at camp, so I’ve baked cornbread, three kinds of cookies, and breadsticks (the breadsticks were pushing things a little bit, but I knew what I was getting into, and I really wanted to do it). 

The face of a woman who just finished baking her 374th breadstick and needs a Coke, a nap, and an extra freezer

(Allow me to interject that the Lord does not care if you bring homemade breadsticks to girls camp. This is not what He asked of me, and it’s not what He asks of any of you, but feeding people is definitely one of my ways of showing love, so I made breadsticks. I’m also nuts).

I made 100 brookies for camp and then a few days later I was craving them so I made 100 more just for me

We’ll have 160 people for most meals with 180-190 for one of the dinners - for a total of nine meals served (plus snacks and a few desserts). I have a great crew coming to help me. Did I ask some of my best friends to be my committee? Maybe. Was that selfish or inspired? I say inspired. When Scotty and I met with the wardrobe coordinator for the Tabernacle Choir last month, I had been trying to decide who to ask to be on the food committee. I already had one friend on the team (that’s Bri), and I needed to gather a few more. I just really wanted to ask my friends, but I felt like I was expected to reach outside of my social circle. When I was talking to the wardrobe coordinator, she told me how when she was called to the position, she was asked to gather a committee, and she had no idea who to even consider. Then she was inspired to ask her two best friends. As soon as she told me that story, I had a comforting feeling that I could ask exactly who I wanted to ask… some of my closest friends. I had three in mind. I asked two of them (Michelle and Melissa) and left the third (Christie) alone because she has so much on her plate already. Then I found out that she is coming to camp every day anyway to be with her daughter who has epilepsy, so I asked her if she’ll help us in the kitchen. 

Funny how things work out sometimes. 

I also have the additional advantage of having lots of friends going to camp that I can rope in to help at any time.

It’s almost time to test it out - to find out the successes and the failures. I’m as prepared as I can possibly be - which is a feeling I always got before a test and a feeling I get before I teach a lesson in Relief Society. You get to the point where you’ve done everything you can, and you just have to turn it all over to a higher power.

The good news is…  no one will starve. This much I know. We might survive on fruit snacks and mustard, but WE WILL SURVIVE!

When Nicky carried in the camp food

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