
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Currently (June 2024 Edition)

Reading: still nothing. I haven’t read a book since the beginning of April.

Drinking: NOT soda. As of Monday. Again.

Never mind. Wednesday got me drinking Coke.

Cooking: Asian BBQ Chicken 


Sick of: social media. 

Wearing: a shirt that says “May the Lord be With You” and biker shorts.

Buying: dish soap.

Annoyed by: new credit cards. I hate having to update all my accounts.

Laughing about: I recently had to draw a pen*s, and I realized I had never drawn a pen*s before (even though it’s like the most frequent form of vandalism of all time). 

Dreading: doing a sleep study. 

Missing: being able to read books and enjoy them.

Craving: homemade brownies.

Singing: songs from Bright Star. I’ve listened to it twice this week.

Thinking about: what time I’m going to get out of bed and go to work in the morning. 


I play Bloom and Quixx with Daisy a lot.

Trying: nothing. I’ve been a quitter at everything lately.

Needing: to vacuum the sand from our California trip out of the van.

Excited about: going to lunch with my friend Lynsie tomorrow for her 40th birthday (which was May 11, but you know how life goes)

Eating: Chinese food (with Lynsie!)

Regretting: drinking a Diet Coke on May 18th at Woody’s Drive In after not having soda for a while - thereby putting me back on the wagon even though I don’t like diet drinks.

Smelling: dry shampoo.

Struggling with: everything (to put it simply).

Wanting: a new trampoline.

Remembering: James. This week is the one-year anniversary of his passing.

Hoping: to start blogging normally again, but I just haven’t had anything to say lately.

Procrastinating: finishing this post (I’ve been working on it since June 1st). 

Wishing: that Zoe didn’t have to go to junior high someday.

Avoiding: returning a voicemail from earlier this week.

Noticing: that boys have really terrible hair throughout all eras. 

Wondering: why I have so many zits. 

Grateful for: my five senses. 

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