
Thursday, May 30, 2024

It took me a week an a half to write this post (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: Nothing about May feels normal or okay. I keep thinking about how last year I hosted a social event at my home the last day of school. I let my kids invite whoever they wanted, and we had cookies, popsicles, and sodas in my front yard. Who was that person? Why was she able to do that? There’s no way I could do that right now. 

Fact #2: We celebrated our 21st anniversary a couple of weeks ago… by taking our girls to their dance concert rehearsal. 

Fact #3: We have a makeshift pottery studio on our backyard for the summer. Nicky has taken ceramics every year so far in high school, and his teacher let him bring two pottery wheels home. 

Fact #4: Scotty tried throwing a pot yesterday four days ago nine days ago for the first time in 18 years. He was a little shocked to discover that he’s lost his touch.

Fact #5: We have squirrels living under our shed.

Fact #6: I’ve been working on this post for several days. I’m hoping I can finish it before June.

Fact #7: Other than pumpkins, our garden is all planted and ready to grow! Our pumpkins are always ready a little too early, so I’m trying a later plant date to see if they’ll hold off til pumpkin season.

Fact #8: The pumpkins are now planted (I’ve been writing this for a really long time).

Fact #9: The other day I went to see a movie, and this was the seat I picked:

Fact #10: I made six of these at work this week:

Goats and toast are two of my favorite things, but I’ve never considered combining them to make home decor.

1 comment:

  1. What AI came up with the goats and toast? That is so random... But also yes two of my favorite things
