
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

I’m Exhausted but Pretending I’m Not (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: I’m quitting soda… today… again…

Fact #2: Our first tulip bloomed yesterday! Ours are always a little later than everyone else’s because they are in the shade. 

Fact #3: A couple of weeks ago I got a mysterious chunk stuck in my hair. I think my curling iron may have touched and melted something plastic, and then when I used it, it came off in my hair. I couldn’t get it out without ruining my hair (I won’t give you the list of things I tried, but it’s long). I ended up having it in my hair for over a week, and I just worked around it. Finally I went crazy and ripped it out. 

Fact #4: My in-laws have the creepiest basement. Wanna see?

Fact #5: I did a pick-up order at Walmart yesterday, and they gave me some free Dude Wipes. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about that.

Fact #6: I realize that’s a very unattractive photo of me, but I kind of don’t care. Allow me to explain my state of being: I’ve had terrible allergies this season, and my eyes have watered incessantly. Today I went make-up free and spent all day rubbing and wiping my eyes without care.

Fact #7: In my last post I shared a text message about our theory that our neighbor has a secret horse. 

It turns out, he’s dating someone who has a horse. But not just a horse… an entire farm, pretty much (also turns out, Scotty and I know his new girlfriend, and it’s a freakishly small world after all). 

BUT… with this animal-loving girlfriend has also come a few little perks: 

Secret Lamb

Secret goat

Fact #8: I’m always troubled when I find stuff like this on my walks:

At some point that was a perfectly good piece of pizza. What happened?

Fact #9: The other day on the way home from work I got hit with the biggest bird turd I’ve ever seen. I was on the freeway and just coming around a bend and about to merge when WHAM!!! It scared me to death, and I almost swerved into the barrier.

Took this at a stoplight a while later

Fact #10: I mentioned this recently, but I’m going to do it again. Lately I am realizing how blessed I am in friendship. I have such a strong circle of friends. It’s not a friend group, but a collection of individuals I love dearly (not that there’s anything wrong with a group, per se. It’s just not what I have). 

In my younger years, I measured friendship by the amount of social invitations I received. If no one was inviting me to do things, I perceived that as not having any friends. Now I view it differently. I rarely receive or extend social invitations, but I feel rich in friendship. It comes in different forms - quick little memes sent on messenger, treats shared, rides given to children, seats saved at events, packages grabbed off porches, or even waves from across a busy intersection.

Hey over there, Christie!

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