
Friday, December 8, 2023

The Warm Things are Calling

Hello, and happy Friday.

The last few weeks have been so busy that all I want to do today is stare at a wall. That's kind of all I've done today, too, except I've stared at my Christmas tree instead of a wall because I'm sitting next to my tree, and the wall is behind me. 

Current view

I have something like stress paralysis - but I'm not currently stressed, so I need to think of a different word. Over stimulation paralysis? Sure. That works. 

Things my family has done this week:

Closing night of The Little Mermaid

Three dance classes

A big grocery shopping trip

Three doctor's appointments

Relief Society Christmas party

Swim team photos

Two swim meets

Four early morning dance rehearsals

Junior high dance concert

Musical auditions for the junior high

Rehearsals for Finding Nemo Jr (a production featuring special education students)

One performance of Finding Nemo Jr (Nicky is doing stage crew)

All the normal driving, school, household tasks, and church responsibilities

Things to come before the week is through: 

Closing night of Finding Nemo Jr

Ward Christmas party

A birthday party

Game night

Primary program

Stake Youth Council meeting


I wondered if I was exaggerating about how much I need to stare at a wall, but now that I've listed it out, I feel justified. I will stare, and I will call it good. Like I mentioned, I'm not really stressed (luckily), I'm just... tired, I guess?  

Yes. Tired! I could fall asleep right now and probably not wake up for a day. I also have cold, sore legs from my walk his morning, and that makes me feel like wrapping up in a blanket and going to sleep. I may or may not do that. I don't want to - I'd rather stay awake and do stuff, but the energy just isn't there. Plus, we have a storm rolling in, and storm sleep is such good sleep! And the older I get, the more I feel fatigue and muscle soreness with drops in barometric pressure. 


Warm blankie...

Hot chocolate... 

Hot shower...


Tortellini soup...

These are the things that are calling to me, and I must decide how to answer. 

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