
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Much Ado About Lemons

A strange confession: I’m always annoyed when I need a lemon or lime, and I have to buy one… or three. And I’m further annoyed when I buy a lemon or lime (or three) and I don’t end up using it (them). I also don’t like the fluctuating prices of lemons and limes. Oh! And you won’t be surprised at this point, but I’m not a fan of squeezing lemons and limes either!*

So I guess you could say I’m a bit dramatic about lemons and limes. Citrus fruits got me like

To help me cope with my lemon and lime woes, I often buy a big bag of them and freeze the juice in ice cube trays. Then I dump them in a zipper bag, and voila! I have lemon and/or lime juice ready to go for a while. 

(The big cubes are 2 Tbs and the small ones are 1 Tbs, and the fact that I have both options available in my freezer gives me great joy). 

The other day was Lemon Day, and shortly before Lemon Day came around, I saw a post on the internet that claimed if you cut your lemons like this, you will get more juice out of them:

It didn’t make any sense to me, but I decided to give it a try for research purposes. So I found two lemons that were the same size and I cut the first one the “internet way,” squeezed the juice out of the 5 pieces, and got just under 1/4 C of lemon juice.

Then I cut the second lemon in the more classic wedgie style.

I gave them a squeeze and got… just short of 1/4 C of juice.

So, I am now qualified to participate in an elementary school science fair, and I can send you forward with knowledge that you can cut your lemons however you dang well please!

*I have owned various citrus juicers and squeezing devices throughout my adult life, and I always end up getting rid of them because I A) don’t use them (I’m too lazy to get them out) or B) don’t like the space they take up in my drawer or cupboard. I always revert back to using my hands.

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