
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Pumpkin Painting Personalities


-Has a short attention span

-Uses her fingers

-Ends up abandoning her pumpkin because she’d rather dress up in grocery bags and hop around the house acting like a bunny


-Gets mad if anyone talks about her pumpkin while she’s painting it

-Makes a huge mess

-Yells at everyone for disrupting her artistic process

-Uses a ton of paint


-Finds inspiration online

-Argues with Zoe for half an hour before she even gets started 

-Takes a really long time

-Doesn’t want to share her supplies with anyone

-Continues to yell at Zoe 

-Knocks a lot of supplies off the table, and when asked to pick them up, tries to blame it on someone else

-Uses glitter


-Gets it over with as quick as possible

-Has no artistic ability and knows it

-Is more worried about the playlist we’re listening to than the pumpkin he produces

-Reverts to childhood


-Wants everyone to take this task seriously and actually try

-Threatens to throw the pumpkins away if everyone won’t stop fighting

-Hogs the good paint brushes

-Uses a blow dryer


-Pumpkins are meant to be carved, not painted

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I know you all so much deeper solely based on this post alone 😂
