
Friday, March 11, 2022


Hello there!

Apparently, when you make a formal announcement on the internet that you're suffering from a h*rpes outbreak, you get a huge increase in blog traffic. Boy, howdy. That sure makes me feel special.

The only other time my site traffic has spiked like it has in the last 24 hours was several years ago when I wrote about how I saw a teenage boy at the water park who was sagging his swimming suit over p00-streaked underwear. I've never understood sagging, but IMHO, if you're going to sag, you should make sure your undies are clean. Be thoughtful about it. I'm just sayin...

(I ended up deleting that post because of the search engine traffic it was bringing in. I don't know about this world. Seriously. And now, here I am, blogging about h*rpes and p00 streaks in the same post. Double whammy!)

Anyway, the good news is, I didn't have any new sores in my mouth when I woke up this morning! The bad news is, I feel like the first layer of skin on the roof of my mouth and on my tongue has been shaved off. It's a different sensation than yesterday's pain. But that's enough about that. I'll survive. 

My kids were out of school today... again... because they're always out of school. They begged me all day to take them to all the food places. I told them not today, but believe me, when my mouth feels good again, there will be a big food-centered celebration. 

In other news, Scotty fell asleep on my leg while I was writing this, and now he’s acting delusional. He does this thing where, after he’s been sleeping for a while, he wakes up and says, “Sorry, Britt. I think I’m going to fall asleep.” And I’m like, “Whatever dude. You’ve been out cold for 40 minutes.” 

In other, other news, did you know that Daniel Radcliffe is playing Weird Al in a biopic about his life? Wha?????

Also, may I just throw out there that today is the two year anniversary of the pandemic? I’m celebrating with what I thought was COVID but is actually h*erpes. Sorry, ‘rona. I tried.

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