
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Twelve Things from the Past Week

For the past week, I’ve been on the run non-stop. It’s been a bit hectic. I’m very much looking forward to a few hours of calm on Wednesday while my kids are at school (then when they come home, we have all our Wednesday stuff - choir, dance class, work meetings, and youth activities). At the end of every Wednesday, you can find me laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, oblivious to the sounds of my children running wild on every level of my house because I’ve completely shut down from exhaustion and blocked out their existence. But Wednesday during school? Bliss. 

Here are twelve things that have gone on in the past week:

1. My brother-in-law passed away in a car accident 

2. I was super sick and blogged about how I was feeling better only to discover right after I hit “publish” that I was not better at all, and I spent two more days suffering 

3. We upgraded Nicky from a Gabb phone to an iPhone, but there were problems getting the new phone activated, so we spent an hour on the phone and then two hours at the AT&T store while they tried to figure out what was wrong (they never figured it out, so we had to start from scratch)

4. I had an eye exam and ordered new glasses

5. We learned how to play Viticulture

6. I helped clean up someone else’s throw-up in the middle of church

7. We had a funeral 

8. I soaked 26 white table cloths overnight in my bathtub in a whitening treatment, then washed and folded them

9. My kids had no school Monday or Tuesday - thus we experienced four straight days of “I’m bored,” “Can we go to McDonald’s?” “Can I play on your phone?” and fight after fight after fight.

10. I took my girls to get haircuts and Nicky to his dental check-up

11. We had 2.5 social events (the .5 is one we cleaned our house and cooked dinner for and then had to cancel)

12. I bought a bookshelf from the DI, hauled it home, cleaned it up, and dragged it upstairs into Zoe and Eva’s room

I’m tired. 

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