
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Currently {September 2021 Edition}

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #33:



Wearing: my Hamilton t-shirt and sweatpants.

Singing: "The Next Right Thing" from Frozen II.

Buying: as little as possible because I got a little spendy those last few weeks of summer break, so I'm trying to get back on track budget-wise. 

Craving: stuffing. I just need something bread-y and carb-y. I adore stuffing when it's made right - I have strong stuffing opinions. 

Daydreaming about: going to Disneyland. Or anywhere, really. I just want a vacation. I'm addicted. 

Regretting: not putting Eva in swimming lessons over the summer. 

Annoyed by: COVID behavior and opinions. 

Playing: the Wingspan app on my phone. My high score is 114, and I can't beat it. Scotty just beat his high score over the weekend, and he's now at 126. Am I jealous? Maybe. Am I a little mad? Maybe. 

Working on: drinking more water. On that topic, when we were studying the Word of Wisdom the other week in Come Follow Me, I really dove in and did some thorough reading and note-taking on the subject. I came across this quote from Brigham Young:

"It is difficult to find anything more healthy to drink than good cold water... this is the beverage we should drink. It should be our drink at all times" ("Living the Word of Wisdom," Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young). 

It kind of made me laugh that even in the 1800's, people liked their "beverages," and the prophet had to be all, "Hey! Ya'll need to drink some water!" They didn't have Coke yet, but they sure loved their coffees and their teas. We are very blessed to have such easy access to cold, clean water. I actually really love drinking water, but ya'll know I've had a life-long love affair with soda. 

I'll stop saying ya'll now.


Procrastinating: planning my September singing times. I always have the next month planned by the last Sunday of the previous month, but not this time! It's because I won't be there this week, and I don't have a sub yet, so I've been putting off my planning because I want to coordinate with whoever is going to sub for me. 

We're at the time of year where the primary program is drawing near, and we need to work on learning all the words to the songs, and I really don't like doing that. My least favorite thing about singing time is teaching the kids songs to memorization. 

Loving: having my kids back in school. There. I said it.

Worried about: the state of our world. There's so much. So much. 

Looking forward to: harvesting our Jack Be Littles (mini pumpkins). We have a great crop of them this year, and I am so excited to go hunting through the vines to see how many we get. They are everywhere!

Eating: nothing. I'm between meals but looking forward to a delightful, yet-to-be-determined lunch.

Struggling with: disciplining my children. I'm too worn out from parenting to follow through with effective discipline. I'm inconsistent, and my kids keep getting away with stuff that they really need consequences for. 

Listening to: 

Trying: to let the good I see in people outweigh the bad I see in people. This just keeps getting harder and harder for me. 

Enjoying: cooler mornings and evenings. I'm a cool weather girl. Bring it on!

Feeling: a little sleepy and a little hungry. I could go for some waffle fries and a nap right now. 

Grateful for: my amazing husband. I have to downplay how good he is so people won't hate me. 

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