Welcome to episode 8 of "Things the Kids Say."
"There's no such thing as brains."
Shawn Mendes: Everything is possible... (song from Descendants 3)
Zoe: Everything is possible? Mom! EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! I can have a pet penguin!
Several minutes after discussing Elvis dying on the toilet...
Eva: Is that guy still on the toilet?
"Minutes are so slow these days."
Me: Who is this? (shows picture of Joseph Smith)
Eva: The Greatest Showman
"Did Adam Levine ever go through puberty?"
Eva: Alexa, play "Dominic the Donkey."
Zoe (in Alexa voice): I'm sorry, I don't know that song.
"Football is bad for your brain."
"Is that Nephi?"
No, honey, it's Boone from Lost
Lol! Daisy and Nicky are so right about the minutes and Adam Levine!