
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Donkey Mom

I'm currently sitting on my couch wearing donkey ears, courtesy of my children. Note to self: remove donkey ears before leaving the house (sometimes I forget these things).

Eva and Zoe are in an intense fight about "pretend." Eva wants Zoe to be her mom, and it's time for her mom to send her out on the stage to perform. She is nervous, but Zoe, as the mom, is supposed to calm Eva's nerves and tell her everything will be okay. Eva is wearing a monkey costume. Zoe, though, does not agree on this plot. She doesn't want to be a mom. She is wearing a beautiful ball gown (i.e. a dress I bought from the DI), and she plans to go to a ball, meet a prince, and get married.

Each child is trying to act her part while simultaneously yelling at the other.

Nicky is downstairs playing "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" over and over on the piano. My kids have been in piano lessons for years. I'm just going to give it to you straight - they suck at playing the piano. We have no natural knack or drive for musical instruments in our family. We are subpar or mediocre at pretty much everything we do. But lately, Nicky has lingered at the piano a bit longer than normal, and I am hoping he's developing some sort of fondness for it.

Daisy is laying on the couch next to me rolling around, moaning in boredom. In moments like this... I sure wish my kids had friends. Sadly, we are a bunch of loners.

But back to the donkey ears...

Eva and Zoe have been calling me Donkey Mom.

Here are a few facts about Donkey Mom:

Donkey Mom has a sinus infection

Donkey Mom has food all over her shirt

Donkey Mom has no energy today

Donkey Mom wants to know who smashed Cap'n Crunch in the living room rug and whose candy bar wrappers are on the couch

Donkey Mom needs to take her kids to the library to pick up some books on hold

Donkey Mom really doesn't want to

Donkey Mom's new name reminds her of Donkey Kong, which makes her wonder where the "Donkey" in Donkey Kong came from

Donkey Mom is glad her kids are calling her Donkey Mom instead of Jackass Mom

But maybe that will come a few years down the road...

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