
Monday, March 4, 2019

Who I Text

Everyone needs a list of go-to friends to text for certain events and occurrences. For example, if you go to the gym and biff it on the treadmill, there should be someone at the top of your list to text afterward.

When I'm frustrated with my kids, I usually text Scotty, KoriAnn, or Carlie.

My weekly rundown of how primary went goes to Shannon and KoriAnn

If something happens regarding poop, I text Shannon.

Food, TV, and books go to Cassie.

People telling me they don't like my facial expressions (it happens at least once a year) constitutes a text to Bri.

Anything involving my gray hair goes to KoriAnn.

Thrift store stories and birds acting weird go to Cyndi.

Strange things I find at Ross go to Shannon.

Disneyland news goes to Amber, Scotty, and Mark.

Animal memes and anything pertaining to hot weather, tacos, or dinosaurs go to Heidi.

Funny-shaped food usually goes to anyone and everyone.

The list goes on...

One of the most important topics I text about is straw problems, and those texts go to Amber. Amber and I both strongly believe that straws should be proportional to the height of the cup, so whenever our straws are the wrong length, we have to commiserate.

That's why we both have photo albums that look like this:

That's also why we both keep scissors in our cars.

We discussed buying wallet-sized scissors but decided against it because we are worried about airport security... even though I haven't flown in nine years.

Maybe wallet scissors deserve more consideration because I constantly find myself in places like Del Taco and Arctic Circle with six foot straws and no scissors. Or maybe I should stop eating out. That's a funny thought!

Anyway, it's good to have my go-tos for all topics and happenings, so let me know if you want me to text you when I fall off the treadmill at the gym.

(Ha ha! Just kidding! I don't go to the gym!)


  1. The other day I went to get on the treadmill at the gym, took one step to mount the beast... and the thing was on! Biffed it hard and was furious: "who leaves the treadmill on?!?"

    I should have texted you!

    Blake gets way too many of my text bonbs... I need to broaden my audience.

  2. Wallet nail clippers. They can fly, and they can cut straws, stray strings on your shirt, a box you can't open....anything.

  3. Of course you should have texted me!
