
Friday, January 5, 2018

Currently {New Year 2018 Edition}

Reading: The Green Mile by Stephen King

Watching: The Blacklist

Procrastinating: All household responsibilities. As soon as I'm done with this post, I am going to spring into action... in theory.

Wanting: A storage unit so I can empty half my house but still keep all my crap

Craving: Chinese food

Wearing: A zip-up robe of sorts. I refer to it as my "housecoat."

Relieved by: My kids being back in school. Winter break is brutal!

Stressing about:  All the standard stressors - money, medical things, kid things, house things...

Missing: My fitness abilities of years past

Excited to: Go see The Greatest Showman again tonight. I've had to practice great restraint to NOT go see it before today. A few weeks ago I pre-arranged a babysitter for January 5th so I could go do something for my birthday. There's no question about how I want to spend that time!

I've also forced myself to avoid listening to the soundtrack for the past week (I've broken about once daily) because I wanted to make it all the more exciting to see it in the theater again.

Neglecting: My storage room that desperately needs to be organized

Trying: To quit soda... again. I'm almost four days sober. I know that's nothing, but to me, it's huge. I went to Cafe Rio yesterday, and I didn't get a Vanilla Coke. This is a big deal! And when I go to the movie tonight, I'm not going to get Sprite with my popcorn even though I firmly believe that Sprite and movie theater popcorn are a match made in heaven.

(I will struggle. There may be convulsions. Don't be alarmed).

Feeling: Really tired. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I've been waking up at 4:00 every morning, and then I have a hard time falling back asleep. "A million dreams are keeping me awake." Then right around 5:00, Eva wakes up and cries, and I have to get her out of bed and meet all of her demands.

Wishing: That my vacuum could clean hard floors. It just shoots the dirt everywhere even though it has a setting specifically for hard floors.

Burdened by: Things that need to be charged via USB cable. So many things to charge! As of Christmas, we now have toys and shoes that need to be charged. I guess it's nice to not need batteries, but the cords are ridiculous!

Hoping: That Scotty and I can take an anniversary trip this year. It's our 15th, so it would be really fun to go on a trip, but I don't know if it's feasible. Maybe we should hold out for our 20 year.

Frustrated with: The Top Two. There are two things that consistently frustrate me, and they are both in full force right now.

Loving: That Zoe and Eva have been playing together all morning. They've completely destroyed the house, but they have been getting along!

Worried about: Influenza and lice. My kids were exposed to both this past week, and I have been feeling their foreheads and checking their hair hourly ever since.

Thankful for: Stretchy jeans.

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