
Friday, November 17, 2017

What I Have to Say About Grammar

Sometimes I like to read articles about grammar and punctuation.* I find it interesting** to learn what's considered proper and how the rules have changed and adapted over time. 

I make grammatical mistakes, of course (you know this because you read my blog), and I don't know everything there is to know about punctuation, but I do okay. I mean, I ace all those Facebook quizzes, and we all know that's what really matters.
Even though I have a fascination with grammar and punctuation, I'm not what one would call a "grammar Nazi." I used to be, but then I decided that I don't want to be a jerk when I grow up. 

I know that everyone makes mistakes and that grammar does not come easily to some. If you struggle with there/their/they're, it's okay with me. You are still amazing, and I will split a plate of Cafe Rio nachos with you any day of the week. Plus, I have a confession: the semi-colon? I don't get it. Never have, never will. And flat adverbs? I fear them. So if you suck at grammar, it's cool.  

I only hope that you find memes for your passion that are as funny as the memes for my passion.

*Here are some I recommend:

I also enjoy many articles from Grammar Girl, for example, What Is the Pural of 'Batman?'

**Another thing I enjoy learning about is pronunciation - the word 'interesting' is one that I've spent a lot of time exploring. Now who wants to come over to my house and pop popcorn and watch videos about t-glottalization with me? (When your name is Brittany, you gotta glottalize)!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about glottalizing, but I'm always down for karaoke! Btw I'm a huge grammar nut too.
