
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Currently {November 2017 Edition}

Reading: Nothing - I'm on the hunt for my next read. Last night I finished reading a book called The Girl Before by Rena Olsen. I read it in 24 hours. It's been a long time since I've done that. Quite the page-turner, that one.

(It has some swears and involves human trafficking, so definitely not for everyone).

Watching: Stranger Things and The Office

Procrastinating: Finishing our kitchen. We stopped working on it while Scotty was traveling last month, and we're having a hard time getting going again. We still need to finish painting the walls, extending the floor into the living room, replacing the trim, and touching up the cabinets. We also need to build a banister, and we're hoping to make a new top for our table.

Wanting: Motivation. Is there a Black Friday sale on that?

Craving: A feeling of completion. I just want to finish something. Nothing is ever DONE around here.

Wearing: A Salt Lake Bees shirt, second-hand jeans, and pink slippers. I've showered, but I don't look like it.

Relieved by: Having a slow week. Our past month has been so crazy. There's not a lot on the schedule this week, and it feels nice.

Stressing about: My knees. I've had knee problems off and on for a few years, and both of my knees have been on the fritz for the past few weeks. This is the worst they've ever been. In a house where laundry needs to be carried up and down three flights of stairs, this is quite the obstacle. My body is betraying me.

Missing: Our old Cub Scout pack. Nicky earned his Arrow of Light a few months ago, and his den leader has been working on a slide show for the ceremony in December. I've been sifting through photos of scout activities from when I was primary president and from when Scotty and I were Cub Masters. Our pack is now combined with another pack, and it just hasn't been the same.

Excited to: Go to Time Out for Women this weekend with my in-laws.

Neglecting: My ears. They are full of fluid, and I really need to go to the ENT, but I keep putting it off.

Wanting: A new fridge and a new oven. I don't need them, though, so I will wait a little longer.

Trying: To stop drinking soda... again. I'm four days sober.

Feeling: Annoyed. I think that's my dominant emotion - annoyed. Right now I'm annoyed by the child whose feet are on me. I am also feeling slightly cold. Especially my feet.

Wishing: That I had some better writing inspiration right now. I really feel like writing something, but this is all I've got.

Tired of: Changing diapers. I've had kids in diapers for the past 11 years with no breaks. Combine this answer with my need for a feeling of completion, and that's a pretty good indication that I really need to potty train Eva (or hire my sister-in-law to potty train Eva).

Hoping: That Eva will just wake up potty trained one day.

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