
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Spring Break Check-In

I'm currently trapped in a hotel room with my kids. We are on "vacation" (I used the term very loosely here since it's me alone with four kids in southern Utah. It's a lot of work). Zoe is asleep, so we are trying to navigate nap time while being crammed together in a small room.

The good news? This cheap hotel has really good cable. We are taking full advantage of the multiple Disney Channels. I've also gotten my first real dose of Paw Patrol (a show I often confuse as "Papa Troll." Like, when my kids point at merchandise and say, "Mommy! Mommy! Look! Paw Patrol!" I say, "What's Papa Troll?")

We were supposed to come home today, but last night, I spontaneously extended our "vacation" another night. Why? 

Reason One: There is a winter storm warning this afternoon on our route home. 

Reason Two: We've been in the car too much. On Tuesday we spent about six hours driving. Yesterday we drove into Las Vegas and ended up spending about seven hours total in the car. We couldn't stand the thought of spending another 5+ hours in the car today.

Reason Three: It's Spring Break. Why not?

Today has been really fun, so I'm glad we extended the trip. We have had the pool to ourselves all day, and it has been WONDERFUL! (I love having things to ourselves. Maybe I never really learned how to share???) I even got to go in the hot tub! I rarely get to go in the hot tub on vacation, but having the relatively small pool area to ourselves meant I didn't have to worry about my kids bugging other people, and I could see my kids from the hot tub. What a treat! 

Saint George 2017
{Pool naps for the win!}

I've also been able to listen to an audiobook off and on throughout the trip, which has been another treat! This has only been possible because of the DVD player in the van that keeps my kids from fighting (well... not entirely, but it has decreased the fighting by about 75%).

And the best news of all?

I found the Van Gogh painting that was stolen from the Wynn Casino in the cinematic masterpiece, Paul Blart Mall Cop 2

Saint George 2017
{Slight chance it's a forgery}

Last night, we got home late, and half the kids were hungry, so I ordered a pizza and had it delivered to our room. The kids were blown away by the fact that food can be ordered and delivered to a hotel room. Why should we ever leave?

I have had to do quite a bit of homework on "vacation," which is always a bummer, but after 11 years of school (8 for Scotty and almost 3 for me), homework on vacation is our norm. We know no other way! It's just routine. 

The days on vacation have been awesome. The nights have sucked. Trying to control my early bird children each morning while we are wall to wall with people who probably want to sleep late on vacation has been a nightmare. My kids sleep like psychopaths, so I have been head butted, kicked, laid on, and clawed with gnarly toenails. Last night Zoe didn't fall asleep until 1:30, and yet, she was still awake and jumping on beds and slamming doors by 6:00.

Traveling with children is not for the weak! I'll tell you!

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