
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

No Spend Month

In February, I am making an honest effort at doing a "No Spend Month." I had been thinking about doing this for a while (especially after I went a little spend crazy through the Christmas season), but I wasn't fully committed until my friend told me she was thinking about doing "Frugal February," and well... I'm a follower.

I still have to make my house payment and buy gas and stuff, obviously, but other than the necessities, my aim is to spend as little as possible. I'm allowing $10 a week for produce and milk, but other than that, there's no food budget. This means I have to start using up the stuff in my freezer and pantry that I've been ignoring in favor of Papa John's and Chinese food for the past... um... forever. I'm going to try my hardest to not have to dip into that weekly $10 cushion, but after two weeks, I think I'll really want some milk and fresh veggies. My commitment level is not such that I'm willing to use dried milk.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been prepping for No Spend Month, which is, in many ways, like prepping for doom's day. It was a little eye-opening, as I realized that we use roughly 250 diapers in a month. I briefly considered going all out and returning to cloth diapers, but my cloth diapers leak really bad, so I'd pretty much be subjecting myself to being peed on repeatedly for 29 days. So I bought diapers. I also made sure we have plenty of other necessities like toilet paper, laundry soap, tampons, Motrin, etc. I also bought Valentines and a baby shower gift.

I went through all of our food and made a list of 25 meals. I threw out my old, expired yeast and bought some new stuff in case I end up in a bind and have to make bread (have I told you how much I hate making bread? I used to make bread twice a week... back when I was crazy... a different kind of crazy than I am now).

I even signed up for a medical study so I can make fifty bucks... which I will spend in March.

Bring it on, February!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dang! I did a no spend in January, but I didn't rule out spending for food. (Also? I just moved here and the pantry-situation was completely empty except for a box of Cheezits and a can of tomato soup. (The word "cheezits" looks like chee-zits...WHY would someone put that in her mouth!?! I think technically it is Cheez-its...but whatever. Gross.)

    I mostly cut my personal spending, and it was hard, but also I feel like I could do an additional cut for household spending. (Things I had to buy for our house was kind of insane, but again, just moved in, still buying paint for walls and we got a new, bigger bed which then needed a bed frame (no box spring required! Lies), and a box spring, and new sheets, and our blankets don't fit, so I ordered a new one of those....hmm, maybe a household spending freeze would be a good thing, maybe in March when I have finally sorted through all the new house stuff and carted off all the extras to the thrift store.

