
Thursday, January 15, 2015

I'm Still Pregnant (and ten other facts about pregnancy right now)

Fact #1: I am officially in the third trimester of pregnancy, and the third trimester didn't waste any time making its presence known. Since Christmas I've been nauseous everyday, and I am starting to get super fatigued again.

Fact #2: I haven't taken a single "belly photo," which is sad because I've been pretty diligent about that in the past. I did see a picture of myself from Christmas, though, that made me realize how unflattering my non-maternity clothes are on my very pregnant body (I might post that picture in another post soon).

Fact #3: Somewhere between 24-25 weeks, I got exponentially uncomfortable. One week I was sitting on the floor at my nephew's birthday party with no problem, and the next week, I could no longer get off the couch in a discreet manner.

Fact #4: I am carrying this baby a lot lower than all of my others. I have always carried very high and have had to push my uterus out of my ribs for relief as early as 12 weeks. This time everything is lower and my ribs are so thankful.

Fact #5: I've been having round ligament pain for the first time, and one of the things that aggravates it is running, so I haven't been running since October (which is fine because I'm not comfortable running pregnant when the ground is icy and the air is bad anyway). The last few times I ran, it took a week for my ligaments to recover. Now I save all my ligament woes for getting up to pee in the middle of the night, which is the other frequent aggravator.

Fact #6: I've never been pregnant in January before. Well... I have... but I was, like, four weeks pregnant and didn't know yet. Turns out that being a pregnant hormonal mess during the most depressing month of the year is kind of a bummer.

Fact #7: I have found it increasingly difficult to do simple things like do my hair and wear real clothes as time has gone on. I had an obligation last night that required me to look presentable, and I was nearly in tears at the thought of having to "get ready." I guess I've let myself go!

Fact #8: Pregnancy has not been kind to the texture of my hair.

Fact #9: I'm due right at the same time as Kate Middleton and Carrie Underwood. I wonder which of us will be in the spotlight the most?

Fact #10: I have been alternating between hot and cold everyday, much like the flu except not the flu. Just pregnancy. I've also been quite achy, much like the flu except not the flu. Just pregnancy.


  1. Hugs!!! I wish I could be pregnant for you, just for a little while. Hold the fetus while you go out for a run! :) I, for one, am WAY more excited about your baby than the famous people's!!!

  2. Round ligament play does NOT mess around. It hurts.
