
Monday, December 29, 2014

Change of Plans

We weren't finding out what we were having. 

We've done it twice, and it's really lots of fun!

But when I went in for my ultrasound at 19 weeks, Scotty and I both thought we saw "something" (or a lack of something, if you know what I mean).

Over the next few weeks, it ate away at me. It turns out that "kind of" knowing is a lot harder (and very different) than "not knowing." 

I had an appointment on the 15th of December, so I called my doctor (without Scotty knowing), and asked if he would do a gender check. He obliged, and I had him put the results in an envelope so we could open it on Christmas. 

(Note that this required me to be patient for 10 days while I had the answer tucked in my purse. High five for diligence!)

Since Scotty didn't know about the envelope, I had to attend several Christmas parties and lie to everyone.

"Do you know what you're having?"

"No. We're not finding out."

My apologies to all of the people I deceived over those ten days!

As we suspected, we're having a...


I never thought I'd be a mother of girls, plural... let alone THREE!

I'm very excited, but I never imagined that Nicky wouldn't have a little brother. It always seemed like a given. I'm not entirely opposed to having another baby someday, but I have always felt like four is our number, and I would really like to be "done." I feel good about four. Five? I just don't know. But "change of plans" seems to be a big theme in life, so we'll see what comes. Maybe there will be a brother someday - life is unpredictable, and God can be pretty convincing.


  1. A few things:

    First of all, congratulations! I've been reading blogs almost exclusively on my phone for the past several months so I haven't commented on many posts.

    I'm always amazed that people can make out anything on sonograms. Obviously you've done this a few times now, but when people talk about how cute their baby looks in the sonogram image I'm like, all I see are blobs.

    I wonder if doctors and nurses have a hard time not referring to babies as he or she. So many people these days do find out the sex that I imagine it would be hard to remember not to use a pronoun for those who don't want to know....unless they just refer to them all as "baby" like they do in Call the Midwife.

  2. Congrats! Don't know if you read my most recent post but I'm struggling with our decision not to find out this time. I just feel the need to prepare but I'm also super excited about delivery day surprise. This is our last so I want that experience. Any advice on making the wait less torturous?
