
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Teeth and Vans

Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth taken out. I'm feeling pretty good today. I can't open my mouth or move my tongue. My cheeks are a little puffy, and if I bend over, I feel like I'm going to die, but overall, I can't complain.

I miss food, though. The first thing I'm eating after my week of soft foods is a Cafe Rio salad.

After I had my wisdom teeth taken out, we went and bought a van. It makes sense to buy a new car immediately after you have four teeth ripped from your face, right?

Especially when you get to puke in your new van twice on the way home.

Having a van is seriously a dream come true for us. We have shopped and saved and prayed for this van for a long time, and we are very excited. The social stigmas that come with van ownership don't bother me one bit. I'm all about practicality, and a van suits our needs for space and gas mileage.

I feel "bad A" driving my Dodge Caravan around. I may not look "bad A" to the people outside, but I know I'm "bad A" on the inside.

I can't wait to drive to cafe Rio next week.


  1. Congrats! The day I got my first minivan was one of the happiest of my life, even though I fought it. I didn't want to be a minivan mom. But it took about 3 seconds of actual space for the kids to spread out in and I was thrilled.

    And, I feel a little bit bad-A in my van too. only because it's fast!

  2. I'm glad your teeth turned out well, I'm sure that has to be a huge relief having it taken care of. I agree whole-heartedly about the minivan. And someday I'll have to upgrade to a real van, you know the really large ones. That thought scares me a bit, but the thought of all the space again kind of thrills me. Someday. P.s. now that its summer, let's get together and play again. What do you say?

  3. This post is just hilarious. I love it!

  4. I still have my wisdom teeth - every time you mention yours on here, it kind of panics me. I feel like I cheated or something and someday a dentist will catch on and say, "You really need those taken out."

    And I never realized people really cared about their cars until the day I got a minivan and all excitedly told my "snobby friend" (I call her that to her face so it is ok to do so on here) about it - to which she replied, "Ewww... why not get a Tahoe or something?"

    Ummm - because I like saving money and sliding doors are the most glorious thing when putting herds of children into a car.

  5. Yay for happy teeth (well, soon to be happy teeth) and cars that make your life easier!!!


  6. Horray for you on both counts. I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago and I can relate to wanting to die, it was awful. I was so nervous beforehand that they gave me some valium and I guess the dosage was a little off because I've been told when I stood up to go back I fell on the floor and peed my pants. (Ive only peed my pants twice in my adult life, both were as a result of medication) however I don't remember any of this.
    Congrats on the van, I'm crazy about mine. They seriously just make life so much less stressful when herding children. Yea!

  7. Four wisdom teeth being removed can be intense! Keep your eyes on the prize of that salad.
