
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Currently {April 2013}

Reading: Riding the Bus With my Sister by Rachel Simon and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.

Watching: Call the Midwife and North and South (which I have checked out from the library four different times).

Wearing:  black shirt, jeans, and black flip-flops. Very basic.

Relieved by: my dermatologist appointment being done and over with. Let's play a game. I call it "What was Removed From Britt Today?" Look forward to an upcoming detailed post.

Stressing about: my wisdom teeth. They are bothering me. They need to come out. I need to find a dentist and an oral surgeon.

Excited about: the matching swimming suits I bought for Daisy and Zoe. I kind of wish they had one in my size! I opted for the practicality of two-pieces (the t-shirt and shorts variety, although it was pretty tempting to put Zoe in something skimpy to show off her awesome curves). 

Addicted to: Oreo shakes. No soft-served, only hand-scooped. They can be made at home or purchased on a whim at Carl's Jr. 

Trying: to not gossip. I carried this one over from last month because it's hard work. 

Needing: to make a bunch of appointments. One with my hair dresser, one with an eye surgeon (I might skip this one), one to have my cholesterol checked, and one with a dentist. 

Annoyed by: "no show" socks. First of all, they "show." Second, they are uncomfortable and always fall off my feet. 

Feeling guilty about: not being as attentive to my children lately as I should be.

Tired of: being sick. We always get one last bug before summer, and I thought the strep I had three weeks ago was my "one last bug," but now I have a nasty cold and sinus infection. There have been many boogers.

Looking forward to: a vacation to St. George in June. We are celebrating our tenth anniversary by taking Nicky to see Mary Poppins. 

Proud of myself for: paying off our car. We now have ZERO car payments


  1. Dentists seriously make me want to pee myself. I hate the dentist and only go every six months because I have an even bigger fear of "dentists with drills". Nice job on the car, feeling jealous right now.

  2. Dude. Banana-oreo shake is TOTALLY where it's at. Mmmmmm.

    Also, rock on re: the lack of car payments! Totally awesome!!


  3. Unbroken is AMAZING!!!! I loved it. And no car payments=WIN!!

  4. Don't know if you have Netflix, but both Midwife and North/South are available on it if you do. Just a thought. :) And congrats on the paid off car. Seriously.
