
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Currently {September 2012 Edition}

Reading: The Book of Mormon

Wondering: Why chicken is so touchy. I finally found a great method for preparing excellent, moist, flavorful chicken. It worked like a charm for about a year. Now the exact same tactic is resulting in dry, rubbery, make-me-gag poultry. Grumble, grumble.

Procrastinating: Making plans for Daisy's birthday. I don't want to have a party. Does that make me a mean mom?

Craving: Chicken pot pie, and there is one in my oven AS WE SPEAK! (That's right, folks! I am cooking!) (But I maintain the opinion that chicken pot pie is not worth the effort) (I remembered this while I was mixing up the pie crust) (and sadly, the chicken is a bit rubbery because that's the way chicken goes these days).

Update: That ended up being a pretty darn good chicken pot pie even with rubbery chicken. That was my best pie crust ever!

Wearing: A black shirt with a floral embellishment that my mother-in-law thinks is a dead animal. Every time she sees me in this shirt she asks me what kind of animal it is (her memory isn't great - we have the same conversations every time we see each other, meaning that every time she sees this shirt, she thinks she is seeing the dead animal for the first time).

Needing: A hair cut. I always wait way too long in between trims, and I end up with award-winning split-ends. The good news is that my roots indicate that my hair has grown a lot since March!

Strange fact: my hair color changes during pregnancy. It's always funny to see the line of demarcation a few months after I have the baby.

Annoyed by: The search bar on the right-hand side of my blog that can't find anything. Type in 'Scotty,' and it will say no results. What the?!?

Suffering from: Rib pain. It's like I have a uterus inflating right below them or something.

Thankful for: Our freezers. It's pretty cool to be able to freeze lots of food (literally and figuratively).

Enjoying: Having Nicky in school. It has many inconveniences, but I am quickly falling in love with the routine and the discipline that it requires.

Proud of myself for: Giving up soda. For the first time ever, I intend for this to be a permanent commitment. All of my other "quittings" have had end dates.

Looking forward to: October. I'm so excited to wear pants! I heart pants!

Splurging on: Something for Scotty's car. Don't ask me what it is - I don't speak Car - but it has something to do with axles or wheels or something.

1 comment:

  1. I make my own chicken pot pie, but I don't make my own crust. I just buy the rollout kind from Pillsbury.

    And yeah, why does chicken gotta be so wishy washy?
