
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

On the Eve of My 30th Birthday

I made it back to the blogging world with a few hours to spare before my birthday. I know you thought I'd return as a super mature (and ultra wise) 30 year old, because that is what I promised, but you're going to have to deal with my 29 year-old-ness for one more day.

Hang in there.

So, 30.

I have no qualms over entering this new decade of life. I'm ready for it. My only hang-up is that I feel like something slightly momentous should happen around my birthday - because of the whole new decade thing. Like, I should be 30 pounds lighter or have a dance party or take a red-eye to Anaheim and spend the day in Disneyland.

The only slightly momentous thing that is on the schedule is that Scotty and I have a babysitter, and we're going to go see two movies back to back.

Two movies.

In a row.

It's going to be WILD...

If we can actually stay awake...

I also feel like my 30th should be marked by a momentous blog post - should I not be saying something totally awesome right now?

Then again, I'm not officially 30, so I can't expect the awesomeness to flow just yet. While I'm waiting for it, please enjoy the last moments of my twenties with this token of immaturity:

December 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013


Do you ever get nervous when you read a post with a title like "Adieu?"

I do.

That's because I've stayed loyal to most of my original blogging community from eight years ago, and every time there's a post with a title like, "Adieu," that means another blogger is officially calling it quits.

So, speaking of calling it quits...

Just kidding.

I am, however, bidding you adieu for the rest of this year. I'm going to take a break and enjoy the Christmas season with a little less online influence.

Have a Merry Christmas! I'll see you in 2014... when I will be 30, so look forward to a lot more maturity for the New Year.

Wah ha ha!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Currently {December 2013 Edition}

Reading: The Work and the Glory. I'm still in a reading rut, but I decided to give The Work and the Glory a shot now that the LDS based series is completely old school.

Watching: Once Upon a Time - just started season one over the weekend. The Paradise - except not really. I watched season one on the Masterpiece Theatre site, then I started watching season two on YouTube and had to stop half-way through the third episode. When I came back to finish it, all the episodes had been taken off YouTube. Boo to that!

Procrastinating: wrapping Christmas presents. I know that there is still plenty of time for that, but I loathe wrapping presents and am dreading it! I think I'm going to hit up some after-Christmas clearance this year to buy a bazillion gift bags so I never have to wrap presents again!

Wanting: an ivory cardigan-sort-of-thing. I'm weird with cardigans, so it might not be a "cardigan" in the end, but I need something sleevey that matches lots of outfits for layering purposes that is light enough that I won't want to tear it off the second I'm indoors.

Craving: Milk Duds.

Wearing: black stretchy pants and a t-shirt for autism awareness.

Stressing about: oh, you know. Just a little bit of everything. 

Relieved by: being done with the primary program. What a relief!!! The problem is, plenty of other stressors have taken its place.

Missing: Thanksgiving weekend. Real life isn't very fun.

Excited for: Zoe to walk. I think her mood will be much improved when she can walk. She is my first baby to not walk by her first birthday. 

Neglecting: exercise. I just want to watch TV and eat those Milk Duds I've been craving.

Thankful for: spray paint.

Looking forward to: bed time for a certain baby who cries ALL DAY LONG.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

21 Weekend Highlights

Around here, we had a very Happy Thanksgiving. There are no pictures to prove it (oops!), but here are 21 highlights from our weekend:

1. Saw Frozen (I don't know how it happened, but I never even saw a preview for this movie. I only knew it existed because I started seeing the toys at Target).

2. Saw The Book Thief (the beginning was kind of boring, but by the end I really liked it. I won't watch it over and over again, but it was good for a one-time viewing).

3. Ate turkey and pie for breakfast.

4. Stayed up until 10:00 late every night drinking Martinelli's and watching Once Upon a Time.

5. Attended a baptism.

6. Ate pizza.

7. Went to Zupa's.

8. Took the kids out for breakfast.

9. Went to the zoo.

10. Took Zoe to InstaCare for an ear infection.

11. Played in the church gym.

12. Ran 10 miles (five at a time).

13. Got a sore throat (thus skipping the run I had planned for Saturday morning).

14. Cleaned the entire house and kept it that way.

15. Spray painted some picture frames.

16. Put up the Christmas tree - the baby proof edition, which is two trees on the sofa table behind the couch.

17. Played board games.

18. Went to Tucano's for my brothers' birthdays.

19. Started our advent chain.

20. Hung the stockings.

21. Purchased, cooked, shredded, and froze 30 lbs of chicken.

In summary, we saw more movies in 48 hours than we have seen in the past year, we ate out... a lot (which is why our house stayed clean), we had our fair share of the sickies, and we are ready for Christmas. Thanksgiving weekend was, hands down, the best weekend I've had all year - even with a sore throat, achey body, and chills. It had a good balance of fun and productivity, which, to me, means that we mostly did fun things, but we did enough productive things to not feel guilty.

Now we are spending our Sunday praying and fasting for blessings we need from our Heavenly Father - a perfect way to thank Him for the things he has given us while simultaneously resetting our over-stretched Thanksgiving bellies.